Georgia Code
Article 2 - Medical Malpractice
§ 9-9-69. Arbitrators — Oath and Affidavit

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State of Georgia County I, , first being duly sworn, make this affidavit: I, , agree to serve as arbitrator in the case of v. and will decide any issue put before me without favor or affection to any party and without prejudice for or against any party. I will follow and apply the law as given to me by the referee and will accept and abide by all decisions of the referee. I also agree not to discuss this case or any issue with any person except when all other arbitrators and the referee are present. , L. S.
History. Code 1933, § 7-410, enacted by Ga. L. 1978, p. 2270, § 2; Code 1981, § 9-9-119; Code 1981, § 9-9-69 , as redesignated by Ga. L. 1988, p. 903, § 3.
Code Commission notes.
Pursuant to Code Section 28-9-5, in 1988, “article” was substituted for “part” near the beginning of subsection (b).

Structure Georgia Code

Georgia Code

Title 9 - Civil Practice

Chapter 9 - Arbitration

Article 2 - Medical Malpractice

§ 9-9-60. “Medical Malpractice Claim” Defined

§ 9-9-61. Medical Malpractice Arbitration Authorized

§ 9-9-62. Petition for Arbitration; Arbitration Order and Appointment of Referee; Conditions Precedent to Enforceability

§ 9-9-63. Tolling of Statute of Limitations; When Action Permitted After Filing of Petition for Arbitration

§ 9-9-64. Appointment of Reporter; Duties; Compensation

§ 9-9-65. Arbitration Submission; Irrevocability Absent Consent

§ 9-9-66. Qualifications and Status of Referee

§ 9-9-67. Arbitrators — How Chosen

§ 9-9-68. Arbitrators — How Vacancy Filled

§ 9-9-69. Arbitrators — Oath and Affidavit

§ 9-9-70. Postponement of Arbitration

§ 9-9-71. Adjournments by Arbitrators; No Meeting Outside Group

§ 9-9-72. Discovery

§ 9-9-73. Subpoena Power of Referee; Compensation of Witnesses

§ 9-9-74. Powers of Referee to Compel Production of Documentary Evidence

§ 9-9-75. Competency of Witnesses

§ 9-9-76. Rules Governing Examination of Witnesses and Admission of Evidence

§ 9-9-77. Administration of Oaths by Referee

§ 9-9-78. Findings by Arbitrators; Concurrence of Two Sufficient

§ 9-9-79. Copy of Findings Furnished Parties; Entry of Original on Court’s Minutes; Effect and Enforcement; Clerk’s Fees

§ 9-9-80. Finality of Findings Absent Appeal; Appeals to Superior Courts; Transmittal of Record; When Findings Set Aside; Disposition of Case; Supersedeas

§ 9-9-81. Costs; How Taxed

§ 9-9-82. Compensation of Arbitrators and Referee

§ 9-9-83. Civil and Criminal Immunity of Arbitrators