Georgia Code
Part 2 - International Commercial Arbitration Code
§ 9-9-47. Effects of Failure to State Facts Supporting Claim, Failure to Put Forward Statement of Defense, or Failure to Appear at Hearing or to Produce Documentary Evidence

Unless otherwise agreed by the parties, if, without showing sufficient cause:
History. Code 1981, § 9-9-47 , enacted by Ga. L. 2012, p. 961, § 1/SB 383.

Structure Georgia Code

Georgia Code

Title 9 - Civil Practice

Chapter 9 - Arbitration

Article 1 - General Provisions

Part 2 - International Commercial Arbitration Code

§ 9-9-20. Short Title; Statement of Purpose

§ 9-9-21. Applicability

§ 9-9-22. Definitions

§ 9-9-23. Interpretation

§ 9-9-24. Receipt of Written Communications

§ 9-9-25. Waiver of Right to Object to Violations of Arbitration Agreement

§ 9-9-26. Judicial Intervention and Enforcement

§ 9-9-27. County Where Agreement to Be Enforced

§ 9-9-28. Arbitration Agreements to Be in Writing; Definitions

§ 9-9-29. Arbitration Referrals

§ 9-9-30. Interim Measures of Protection

§ 9-9-31. Number of Arbitrators

§ 9-9-32. Appointment of Arbitrators; Immunity From Liability

§ 9-9-33. Arbitrator Disclosure Requirements; Challenge of Arbitrator for Doubts as to Impartiality or Independence

§ 9-9-34. Procedure for Challenging Arbitrator

§ 9-9-35. Inability of Arbitrator to Carry Out or Perform Functions; Termination of Mandate

§ 9-9-36. Appointment of Substitute Arbitrator

§ 9-9-37. Disputes as to Jurisdiction

§ 9-9-38. Interim Measures

§ 9-9-39. When Recognition or Enforcement of Interim Measure May Be Refused

§ 9-9-40. Treatment of Parties

§ 9-9-41. Procedure to Be Followed by Arbitration Tribunal

§ 9-9-42. Place of Arbitration

§ 9-9-43. Date of Commencement of Arbitral Proceedings

§ 9-9-44. Languages to Be Used in Arbitral Proceedings; Translation of Documentary Evidence

§ 9-9-45. Facts Supporting Claim; Amendment or Supplementing of Claim

§ 9-9-46. How Proceedings to Be Conducted; Oral Hearings; Notice; Consolidation of Proceedings or Hearings

§ 9-9-47. Effects of Failure to State Facts Supporting Claim, Failure to Put Forward Statement of Defense, or Failure to Appear at Hearing or to Produce Documentary Evidence

§ 9-9-48. Appointment of Experts

§ 9-9-49. Subpoenas for Witnesses and Other Evidence; Compensation of Witnesses

§ 9-9-50. Rules Applicable to Disputes

§ 9-9-51. Decision-Making When More Than One Arbitrator

§ 9-9-52. Settlement; Arbitration Award on Agreed Terms

§ 9-9-53. Arbitration Award

§ 9-9-54. Termination of Arbitral Proceedings

§ 9-9-55. Correction or Interpretation of Arbitration Award; Additional Arbitration Awards; Extension of Time for Correction, Interpretation, or Additional Award

§ 9-9-56. Recourse Against Arbitration Award; Criteria for Setting Aside Award; Time for Making Application to Set Aside

§ 9-9-57. Arbitration Award Recognized as Binding; Enforcement

§ 9-9-58. Grounds for Refusing Recognition or Enforcement of Arbitration Award

§ 9-9-59. Appeal of Final Judgment