Georgia Code
Part 5 - Regional Housing Authorities
§ 8-3-113. Addition of Counties to an Authority — Conditions Precedent to Adoption of Resolution Declaring Need for Expansion of Authority

The governing body of each of the counties in the area of operation of the regional housing authority, the commissioners of the regional housing authority, and the governing body of each such additional county or counties may by resolution declare that there is a need for the inclusion of such county or counties in the area of operation of the regional housing authority, only if:
History. Ga. L. 1952, p. 365, § 1.

Structure Georgia Code

Georgia Code

Title 8 - Buildings and Housing

Chapter 3 - Housing Generally

Article 1 - Housing Authorities

Part 5 - Regional Housing Authorities

§ 8-3-100. Procedure for Creating an Authority

§ 8-3-101. Transfer of Property to an Authority

§ 8-3-102. Conditions Precedent to Adoption of Resolution Declaring Need for an Authority

§ 8-3-103. Public Hearings on Adoption of Resolution

§ 8-3-104. Resolution as Conclusive Evidence of an Authority’s Establishment; Sufficiency of Resolution

§ 8-3-105. Powers of an Authority Generally

§ 8-3-106. Commissioners — Appointment by County Governing Bodies

§ 8-3-107. Commissioners — Appointment of Additional Commissioner

§ 8-3-108. Commissioners — Terms of Office; Removal; Record of Removal Proceedings

§ 8-3-109. Commissioners — Vesting of Powers of an Authority in Commissioners; Selection of Chairman and Other Officers; Employees; Quorum; Location of Meetings

§ 8-3-110. Area of Operation of County and Regional Authorities

§ 8-3-111. Addition of Counties to an Authority — Procedure; Effect

§ 8-3-112. Addition of Counties to an Authority — Transfer of Property to Authority

§ 8-3-113. Addition of Counties to an Authority — Conditions Precedent to Adoption of Resolution Declaring Need for Expansion of Authority

§ 8-3-114. Exclusion of Counties From Regional Authority — Procedure Generally; Effect of Reducing Area of Operation to One County

§ 8-3-115. Exclusion of County From Regional Authority — Conditions Precedent to Adoption of Resolution Declaring Need for Exclusion

§ 8-3-116. Detachment of a County by Its Own Resolution; Assumption of Regional Authority’s Bonds, Notes, and Other Obligations by an Authority Thereafter Established for County

§ 8-3-117. Creation of an Authority for a County After Exclusion or Detachment From a Regional Authority; Appointment of Commissioners; Scope of Powers; Subsequent Inclusion in a Regional Authority

§ 8-3-118. Public Hearing Prior to Adoption of Resolution