Georgia Code
Part 7 - Receivership Powers and Procedures Generally
§ 7-1-157. General Powers of Department in Possession

History. Ga. L. 1919, p. 135, art. 7, § 3; Ga. L. 1922, p. 63, § 1; Code 1933, §§ 13-803, 13-808; Code 1933, § 41A-708, enacted by Ga. L. 1974, p. 705, § 1.

Structure Georgia Code

Georgia Code

Title 7 - Banking and Finance

Chapter 1 - Financial Institutions

Article 1 - Provisions Applicable to Department of Banking and Finance and Financial Institutions Generally

Part 7 - Receivership Powers and Procedures Generally

§ 7-1-150. Taking of Possession by Department; Cumulative Remedies

§ 7-1-151. Status of Department as Receiver; Restrictions on Appointment

§ 7-1-152. General Assignment Prohibited; Taking of Possession Upon Request

§ 7-1-153. Posting of Notice of Taking Possession

§ 7-1-154. Certificate of Possession; Naming Deputy Receiver

§ 7-1-155. Injunction to Restrain Department

§ 7-1-156. Supervision of Department by Court

§ 7-1-157. General Powers of Department in Possession

§ 7-1-158. Appointment of Deputy Receivers, Counsel, and Other Assistants

§ 7-1-159. Suspension or Continuation of Business

§ 7-1-160. Determination to Liquidate; Filing of Supplemental Certificate

§ 7-1-161. Powers and Duties of Department Before and After Determination to Liquidate

§ 7-1-162. Inventory and Appraisement

§ 7-1-163. Notice to Holders of Assets; Power of Court to Order Transfer

§ 7-1-164. Power of Department to Borrow Money

§ 7-1-165. Surrender of Burdensome Assets

§ 7-1-166. Compromise of Claims; Extension of Mortgages or Notes

§ 7-1-167. Payment of Mortgages and Liens; Protection of Equities

§ 7-1-168. Sales of Real Property

§ 7-1-169. Leases of Property

§ 7-1-170. Sales or Exchanges of Securities; Sales of Liens or Personal Property

§ 7-1-171. Deposit of Moneys by Department

§ 7-1-172. Disposition of Property in Safe-Deposit Vault or Held for Safekeeping

§ 7-1-173. Bringing or Defending Actions

§ 7-1-174. Surrender of Possession by Department Prior to Final Liquidation; Special Liquidations and Reorganizations

§ 7-1-175. Ability of Department to Reject Executory Contract or Lease of Financial Institution in Receivership

§ 7-1-176. Sale of Assets of Financial Institution in Receivership