Georgia Code
Article 6 - Bond
§ 53-6-53. Personal Representative Qualified to Serve Without, or Not Otherwise Legally Required to Give, Bond

When a personal representative has qualified to serve without bond or is not otherwise required by law to give bond, the probate court, on its own motion or on the representation of any party in interest that the personal representative is mismanaging the estate, shall order the personal representative to appear and show cause as to why bond should not be given or the personal representative’s letters revoked. The order shall be served in person on the personal representative at least ten days prior to the hearing. Failure to show cause shall authorize the court to require bond or to revoke the letters or to take any other action as may be necessary under the circumstances.
History. Code 1981, § 53-6-53 , enacted by Ga. L. 1996, p. 504, § 10.