Georgia Code
Article 1 - General Provisions
§ 52-7-7.1. Hull Identification Numbers Required; Penalty for Violations

History. Code 1981, § 52-7-7.1 , enacted by Ga. L. 2006, p. 96, § 5/HB 1490.

Structure Georgia Code

Georgia Code

Title 52 - Waters of the State, Ports, and Watercraft

Chapter 7 - Registration, Operation, and Sale of Watercraft

Article 1 - General Provisions

§ 52-7-1. Short Title

§ 52-7-2. Declaration of Policy

§ 52-7-3. Definitions

§ 52-7-4. Requirement as to Numbering of Vessels; Titling; Requirements for Hull Damaged Vessels

§ 52-7-5. Numbering of Vessels; Requirements; Fees

§ 52-7-6. Exemptions From Numbering Requirements

§ 52-7-7. Dealers’ Vessels

§ 52-7-7.1. Hull Identification Numbers Required; Penalty for Violations

§ 52-7-7.2. Display of Hull Identification Numbers on New Vessels

§ 52-7-7.3. Seizure of Vessels Without Hull Identification Numbers; Seizure of Related Property; Inspections

§ 52-7-7.5. Counterfeit Hull Identification Numbers; Penalty

§ 52-7-7.6. Exception to Requirement for Hull Identification Numbers

§ 52-7-8. Classification of Vessels; Required Equipment

§ 52-7-8.1. Discharge of Sewage From Vessels on Lakes; Use of Vessels With Marine Toilets on Protected Fresh Waters; Certificate and Recordation Requirements

§ 52-7-8.2. Restrictions on Operation of Personal Watercraft

§ 52-7-8.3. Operation of Watercraft; Identification; Operation by Minors

§ 52-7-8.4. Definitions; Anchorage Restriction Areas; Permit Requirement for Long-Term Anchoring in Estuarine Areas; Short-Term Anchoring; Safe Harbor; Exceptions

§ 52-7-9. Boat Liveries

§ 52-7-10. Exhausts to Be Muffled; Exemptions; Noise Level Testing

§ 52-7-11. Lights

§ 52-7-12. Operation of Watercraft While Under Influence of Alcohol, Toxic Vapors, or Drugs; Legal Drug Use Not Exempted; Blood and Other Chemical Tests; Test Refusal; Owner’s Liability for Allowing Another to Operate While Intoxicated; Civil and Cri...

§ 52-7-12.1. Reckless Operation of Vessel or Other Water Device

§ 52-7-12.2. Homicide by Vessel

§ 52-7-12.3. Feticide by Vessel

§ 52-7-12.4. Serious Injury by Vessel

§ 52-7-12.5. Ordering Drug, Alcohol, or Other Substance Tests; Implied Consent Warning; Reports; Suspension; Hearing; Certificate of Inspection

§ 52-7-12.6. Terms of Suspension; Return of Operating Privilege; Operation When Suspended

§ 52-7-12.7. Suspension of Privileges to Operate a Vessel Upon Waters of This State for Violations of Vessel Laws

§ 52-7-13. Boating Safety Zones; Restrictions on Use of Motors and Operation of Houseboats on Certain Lakes; Exceptions

§ 52-7-14. Collisions, Accidents, and Casualties; Salvage Rights

§ 52-7-15. Furnishing Information to Federal Officials and Agencies

§ 52-7-16. Towing Persons on Water Skis, Aquaplanes, Surfboards or Similar Device

§ 52-7-17. Speed and Load Restrictions; Riding of Bow or Gunwale of Vessel

§ 52-7-18. Rules of the Road for Boat Traffic

§ 52-7-19. Regattas, Boat Races, Marine Parades, Tournaments, and Exhibitions

§ 52-7-20. Operation of Vessels in Vicinity of Regulatory Markers and Aids to Navigation; Tampering With Regulatory Markers and Aids to Navigation

§ 52-7-21. Local Regulations Concerning Operation, Equipment, Numbering, and Other Matters Relating to Vessels

§ 52-7-22. Comprehensive Boating Educational Programs; Required Completion; Exception

§ 52-7-23. Power of Board of Natural Resources to Adopt Rules and Regulations

§ 52-7-24. Filing and Publication of Rules and Regulations and Amendments Thereto

§ 52-7-25. Enforcement of Article

§ 52-7-26. Penalty