Georgia Code
Chapter 4 - Canal Companies
§ 52-4-16. Taxes Applicable to Canal Companies

The corporations named in this chapter shall be subject to state, county, and municipal taxation.
History. Ga. L. 1893, p. 81, § 13; Civil Code 1895, § 1999; Civil Code 1910, § 2380; Code 1933, § 17-114.

Structure Georgia Code

Georgia Code

Title 52 - Waters of the State, Ports, and Watercraft

Chapter 4 - Canal Companies

§ 52-4-1. Filing of Petition for Incorporation; Contents of Petition; Filing Fee

§ 52-4-2. Issuance of Certificate of Incorporation

§ 52-4-3. Maintenance by Secretary of State of Files and Books Regarding Canal Companies

§ 52-4-4. Time of Commencement of Corporate Existence; Duration of Corporate Existence

§ 52-4-5. Petitioners as Constituting First Board of Directors; Election of Officers; Prescription of Rules and Bylaws; Opening Books of Subscription for Capital Stock

§ 52-4-6. Publication of Notice Upon Subscription for All of Capital Stock and Payment of 10 Percent Thereof; Authorization for Commencing Transaction of Business; Personal Liability of Directors and Stockholders

§ 52-4-7. Location of Principal Office

§ 52-4-8. Powers and Duties of Companies Generally

§ 52-4-9. Right of Corporation to Increase or Decrease Capital Stock

§ 52-4-10. Power of Companies to Enlarge Works and Appliances of Canals and Branch Canals and to Deepen and Widen Canals

§ 52-4-11. Furnishing of Canal Water by Canal Companies; Charges for Use of Water

§ 52-4-12. Toll Rates for Use of Canals

§ 52-4-13. Encroachment of Canals Upon Public Roads; Construction and Maintenance of Bridges

§ 52-4-14. Mortgage, Sale, or Lease of Canal, Other Properties, Corporate Rights, and Franchises

§ 52-4-15. Disagreements as to Compensation for Taking of Lands, Tenements, or Riparian Rights Pursuant to Chapter

§ 52-4-16. Taxes Applicable to Canal Companies