Georgia Code
Chapter 2 - Georgia Ports Authority
§ 52-2-25. Revenue Bonds — Securing of Bonds by Trust Indenture

In the discretion of the authority, any issue of such revenue bonds may be secured by a trust indenture by and between the authority and a corporate trustee, which may be any trust company or bank having the powers of a trust company within or outside of the state. Such trust indenture may pledge or assign revenues and earnings to be received. Either the resolution providing for the issuance of revenue bonds or the trust indenture may contain such provisions for protecting and enforcing the rights and remedies of the bondholders as may be reasonable and proper and not in violation of law, including covenants setting forth the duties of the authority in relation to the acquisition of property, the construction of the project, the maintenance, operation, repair, and insurance of the project, and the custody, safeguarding, and application of all moneys; may also provide that any project shall be constructed and paid for under the supervision and approval of consulting engineers or architects employed or designated by the authority and satisfactory to the original purchasers of the bonds issued therefor; may also require that the security given by contractors and by any depositary of the proceeds of the bonds or revenues or other moneys be satisfactory to the purchasers; and may also contain provisions concerning the conditions, if any, upon which additional revenue bonds may be issued. It shall be lawful for any bank or trust company incorporated under the laws of this state to act as such depositary and to furnish such indemnifying bonds or pledge such securities as may be required by the authority. The indenture may set forth the rights and remedies of the bondholders and of the trustee and may restrict the individual right of action of bondholders as is customary in trust indentures securing bonds and debentures of corporations. In addition to the foregoing, the trust indenture may contain such other provisions as the authority may deem reasonable and proper for the security of the bondholders. All expenses incurred in carrying out the trust indenture may be treated as a part of the cost of maintenance, operation, and repair of the project or projects affected by the indenture.
History. Ga. L. 1945, p. 464, § 8.

Structure Georgia Code

Georgia Code

Title 52 - Waters of the State, Ports, and Watercraft

Chapter 2 - Georgia Ports Authority

§ 52-2-1. Short Title

§ 52-2-2. Definitions

§ 52-2-3. Projects Which May Be Considered Self-Liquidating; Lease or Sale of Manufacturing or Processing Facilities; Inclusion in Projects of Leased Facilities and Facilities Acquired for Use as Ports

§ 52-2-4. Creation of Authority; Status of Authority as an Instrumentality of State and a Public Corporation

§ 52-2-5. Composition of Authority; Appointment, Terms, and Qualifications of Members Generally; Filling of Vacancies; Election of Chairperson, Vice Chairperson, and Secretary-Treasurer; Quorum

§ 52-2-6. Compensation of Members and Reimbursement for Expenses

§ 52-2-7. Making of Rules and Regulations; Delegation of Powers and Duties; Perpetual Existence of Authority

§ 52-2-8. Eligibility for Membership

§ 52-2-9. Powers of Authority Generally

§ 52-2-10. Applicability of Traffic Laws; Enforcement by Peace Officers; Traffic Citations; Issuance of Bench Warrant Upon Failure of Offender to Appear; Enforcement of Dock Related City Ordinances; Venue

§ 52-2-11. Power of Authority to Borrow Money, to Execute Evidences of Indebtedness, and to Secure Such Indebtedness; Sale and Other Disposition of Property; Utilization of Proceeds of Sale

§ 52-2-12. Funds for Acquisition of Land and Construction of Port Facilities

§ 52-2-13. Approval and Consent of State Properties Commission for Acquisition of Real Property by Authority

§ 52-2-14. Conveyance of Medical Depot Site to Authority; Power to Sell Conveyed Surplus Lands and Improvements; Power to Borrow and to Issue Revenue Anticipation Certificates

§ 52-2-15. Revenue Bonds — Issuance; Payment of Principal and Interest From Special Fund; Dating of Bonds; Determination of Rate of Interest; Time of Maturity; Redemption Before Maturity

§ 52-2-16. Revenue Bonds — Form of Bonds; Denominations; Place of Payment of Principal and Interest

§ 52-2-17. Revenue Bonds — Signatures; Seal

§ 52-2-18. Revenue Bonds — Status of Bonds as Negotiable Instruments; Tax Exemption for Bonds and for Income Therefrom

§ 52-2-19. Revenue Bonds — Issuance in Coupon, Registered, or Book-Entry Form

§ 52-2-20. Revenue Bonds — Determination of Price; Use and Manner of Disbursement of Proceeds; Procedure Where Proceeds Are Less Than or Greater Than Cost of Projects

§ 52-2-21. Revenue Bonds — Issuance of Interim Receipts, Interim Certificates, and Temporary Bonds; Replacement of Mutilated, Destroyed, or Lost Bonds

§ 52-2-22. Revenue Bonds — Conditions Precedent to Issuance; Application of Bonds of a Single Issue to Payment of One or More Projects; Effective Date of Resolutions Providing for Issuance; Passage of Resolutions

§ 52-2-23. Revenue Bonds — Aid by Georgia State Financing and Investment Commission

§ 52-2-24. Revenue Bonds — Status of Bonds as a Debt of State or a Pledge of Faith and Credit of State; Issuance as Obligating State to Levy Tax or Make Appropriation; Obligation to Pay Principal and Interest on Bonds; Recitals on Face of Bonds

§ 52-2-25. Revenue Bonds — Securing of Bonds by Trust Indenture

§ 52-2-26. Revenue Bonds — Remedies of Bondholders and Trustee

§ 52-2-27. Revenue Bonds — Protection of Rights of Bondholders

§ 52-2-28. Revenue Bonds — Revenue Refunding Bonds

§ 52-2-29. Revenue Bonds — Status of Bonds as Legal Investments and as Securities for Deposits

§ 52-2-30. Revenue Bonds — Confirmation and Validation of Bonds; Venue of Actions to Confirm and Validate Bonds or to Enforce Rights Under Chapter

§ 52-2-31. Power of Authority to Fix, Revise, and Collect Charges; Factors Governing Determination of Amount of Rentals and Other Charges; Creation, Use, and Disposition of Sinking Fund; Cancellation of Purchased or Redeemed Bonds

§ 52-2-32. Status of Contracted-for Rentals as Obligations of State; Payment of Rentals; Power of Authority to Enforce Lessees’ Duty to Perform Covenants and Obligations; Assignment of Rentals Due

§ 52-2-33. Duty of Authority to Prescribe Rules and Regulations for Operation of Projects; Duty of Authority to Impose and Collect Rentals and Other Charges for Use of Facilities of Projects

§ 52-2-34. Acceptance of Grants From Federal Agencies and of Contributions of Money and Property From Other Sources

§ 52-2-35. Requirement as to Competitive Bidding for Contracts for New Construction

§ 52-2-36. Status of Moneys Received Under Chapter as Trust Funds; Provision by Authority for Payment of Moneys to Designated Trustee; Investment of Moneys; Sale of Investments and Reinvestment

§ 52-2-37. Creation of Authority and Carrying Out of Authority’s Corporate Purpose as Constituting a Public Purpose; Covenant With Bondholders as to Tax-Exempt Status of Authority’s Property

§ 52-2-38. Construction of Chapter

§ 52-2-39. Supplemental Nature of Chapter