Georgia Code
Article 3 - Funding
§ 50-39-37. State Debt Not Created; Guarantee of Payment

No bonds, notes, or other obligations of and no indebtedness incurred by the authority, other than guaranteed revenue bonds, shall constitute an indebtedness or obligation or a pledge of the faith and credit of the State of Georgia or of its agencies; nor shall any act of the authority in any manner constitute or result in the creation of an indebtedness of the state or its agencies or a cause of action against the state or its agencies; provided, however, the state, to the extent permitted by its Constitution, may guarantee payment of such bonds, notes, or other obligations as guaranteed revenue debt.
History. Code 1981, § 50-39-37 , enacted by Ga. L. 2018, p. 377, § 2-1/HB 930.