Georgia Code
Article 5 - Community Care and Services for the Elderly
§ 49-6-63. Establishment by Lead Agency of Community Care Service System; Certification for Benefits; Evaluation by Assessment Team; Volunteers; Insurance Coverage

History. Code 1933, § 88-1904D, enacted by Ga. L. 1982, p. 2248, § 1; Code 1981, § 49-6-63 , enacted by Ga. L. 1982, p. 2248, § 4; Ga. L. 1983, p. 3, § 38; Ga. L. 2009, p. 8, § 49/SB 46; Ga. L. 2016, p. 737, § 1/HB 1085.
The 2016 amendment, effective July 1, 2016, substituted “shall be based” for “will be based” near the end of subsection (d); substituted “such certification” for “that certification” in the middle of the first sentence of subsection (e); and, in subsection (f), substituted “such individual” for “that individual” throughout, substituted “department” for “agency” near the middle of the first sentence, substituted “the department” for “said agency” near the middle of the second sentence, in the third sentence, substituted “Such individual” for “That individual” at the beginning, and substituted “his or her” for “that individual’s” near the middle, and substituted “the department” for “the agency responsible for certification of benefits” near the middle of the fourth sentence.
Code Commission notes.
Pursuant to Code Section 28-9-5, in 2009, “community based” was substituted for “community-based” in the first sentences of subsections (a) and (d).
U.S. Code.
The federal Older Americans Act of 1965, referred to in paragraph (c)(10), is codified at 42 U.S.C. § 3001 et seq.
Paragraph (c)(11) refers to grants to states for services under “Title XX,” a reference to Title XX of the federal Social Security Act of 1935, which is codified at 42 U.S.C. § 1397 et seq.