Georgia Code
Article 2 - Creation, Administration, and Management of the Assets of the Retirement System
§ 47-2-23. Treasurer of the Board of Trustees; Manner of Payment of Funds of the Retirement System; Surety Bond for the Treasurer

There shall be a treasurer of the board of trustees, who shall be appointed by it and subject to its rules and regulations. He shall be the treasurer of the assets of the retirement system. Payments of the funds of the retirement system shall be made by the treasurer only upon vouchers signed by the treasurer and countersigned by one other person designated by the board of trustees. The treasurer of the board of trustees shall furnish to the board of trustees a surety bond of a company authorized to do business in this state in such an amount as shall be required by the board of trustees, provided that if the treasurer is a corporate trustee authorized to do business as such under the laws of this state, the trustees, in their discretion, may decide that no such bond be furnished. The premium on the surety bond shall be paid from the expense fund.
History. Ga. L. 1949, p. 138, § 7.

Structure Georgia Code

Georgia Code

Title 47 - Retirement and Pensions

Chapter 2 - Employees’ Retirement System of Georgia

Article 2 - Creation, Administration, and Management of the Assets of the Retirement System

§ 47-2-20. Creation of Retirement System; Purpose, Management, Corporate Powers and Privileges, and Certain Rights in Actions at Law of Retirement System; Name Under Which Retirement System to Transact Business

§ 47-2-21. Power and Duty of Board of Trustees to Administer and Operate Retirement System; Membership of Board; Vacancies; Expenses; Oath; Quorum

§ 47-2-22. Election of Chairperson and Director; Actuarial Services; Application of State System of Personnel Administration; Payment of Costs of Personnel Administration

§ 47-2-23. Treasurer of the Board of Trustees; Manner of Payment of Funds of the Retirement System; Surety Bond for the Treasurer

§ 47-2-24. Designation of Medical Board; Duties

§ 47-2-25. Legal Adviser of the Board of Trustees

§ 47-2-26. Designation of an Actuary; Duties of Actuary; Annual Valuation of Contingent Assets and Liabilities of the Retirement System

§ 47-2-27. Duty of Board of Trustees to Keep Data Necessary for Actuarial Valuations; Duty to Keep Records of Proceedings; Annual Report

§ 47-2-28. Simplified Tables for Estimation of Retirement Allowances; Effect on Existing Rights and Benefits; Formula for Calculating Service Retirement Allowances

§ 47-2-29. Postretirement Benefit Adjustments

§ 47-2-30. Deposits of Cash Available for Disbursements for Benefits and Other Payments

§ 47-2-31. Investment Powers; Power to Employ Agents as Investment Advisers and to Make Investments

§ 47-2-32. Personal Interest in Gains or Profits From Investments Made by the Board of Trustees; Unauthorized Use of Assets of the Retirement System

§ 47-2-33. Plan Year Designated