Georgia Code
Article 1 - General Provisions
§ 45-15-2. Compensation

The Attorney General shall be compensated in the amount and manner provided in Code Sections 45-7-3 and 45-7-4. He shall also be reimbursed for actual transportation costs while traveling by public carrier, the legal mileage rate for use of a personal automobile, and the actual cost of lodging and meals while away from his office on official state business as provided in Code Section 45-7-20.
History. Ga. L. 1961, p. 131, § 2; Ga. L. 1966, p. 165, § 1; Ga. L. 1967, p. 101, § 1; Ga. L. 1970, p. 15, § 1.
Cross references.
Legal mileage allowance, § 50-19-7 .

Structure Georgia Code

Georgia Code

Title 45 - Public Officers and Employees

Chapter 15 - Attorney General

Article 1 - General Provisions

§ 45-15-1. Election

§ 45-15-2. Compensation

§ 45-15-3. Duties Generally

§ 45-15-4. Attorney General Authorized to Employ Private Counsel

§ 45-15-5. Payment for Services of Private Counsel

§ 45-15-6. Representation of State in Court of Competent Jurisdiction

§ 45-15-7. Discretion of Comptroller General as to Requirement of Services of Attorney General or of District Attorneys

§ 45-15-8. Performance of Legal Services for Western & Atlantic Railroad

§ 45-15-9. Representation of State in United States Supreme Court and Beyond State Limits

§ 45-15-10. Attorney General Authorized to Prosecute for Violations While Dealing With or for State; Assistance by State Court Prosecuting Officers; Commencement of Civil Forfeiture Proceedings

§ 45-15-11. Notification of Attorney General Prior to Presenting Indictment to Grand Jury Charging State Officials

§ 45-15-12. Attorney General Authorized to Prosecute Civil Recovery Actions for Violations While Dealing With State or Officials, Employees, or Entities Thereof

§ 45-15-13. Representation of State Authorities by Attorney General

§ 45-15-14. Exclusive Authority in Law Matters; Employment of Other Counsel by State Authorities; Designation and Assignment of Assistant Attorneys General to Perform Legal Services for Authorities

§ 45-15-15. Attorney General to Submit Statement to State Authority for Legal Services; Contents; Advance Approval of State Authority Director

§ 45-15-16. State Authority to Reimburse Department for Legal Services

§ 45-15-17. Power to Conduct Investigations Generally; Issuance and Enforcement of Subpoenas

§ 45-15-18. Governor May Direct Attorney General to Conduct Investigations of Departments, State Officials or Employees or Entities Dealing With State; Prosecution of Actions; Appointment of Special Attorney General

§ 45-15-19. Governor and General Assembly Authorized to Make Investigations; Designation of District Attorney to Act for State in Action Against Attorney General

§ 45-15-20. Charge, Demand, or Receipt by Attorney General of Fee, Perquisite, or Compensation Other Than Salary in Case Where State Interested