Georgia Code
Article 2 - Powers and Duties Generally
§ 45-12-31. Powers to Prevent Violence and Maintain Order — Filing of Proclamation; Powers of Governor Over Civil and Military Officials Generally

Upon the issuance of a proclamation as provided for in Code Section 45-12-30, the Governor shall immediately file the same in the office of the Secretary of State for recording. The proclamation shall be effective upon issuance and shall remain in full force and effect until revoked by the Governor; and he is authorized to take and exercise any or all of the following actions, powers, and prerogatives:
History. Ga. L. 1957, p. 44, § 6.
Cross references.
Further provisions regarding authority of Governor to call out militia, § 38-2-6 .

Structure Georgia Code

Georgia Code

Title 45 - Public Officers and Employees

Chapter 12 - Governor

Article 2 - Powers and Duties Generally

§ 45-12-20. Grant of Commissions

§ 45-12-21. Issuance of Warrants for Payments From Treasury

§ 45-12-22. Suspension of Collection of Taxes

§ 45-12-23. Incapacity of Commissioner of Insurance

§ 45-12-24. Proceedings Upon Cessation of Incapacity; Payment of Salary of Officer During Period of Incapacity

§ 45-12-25. Books of Record to Be Maintained by Governor

§ 45-12-26. Defense of Action in Which State Has Interest

§ 45-12-27. Calling Out Militia to Execute Laws

§ 45-12-28. Calling Out Militia for Defense of State in Case of Invasion or Insurrection

§ 45-12-29. Powers to Prevent Violence and Maintain Order — General Authority

§ 45-12-30. Powers to Prevent Violence and Maintain Order — Proclamation of Emergency; Issuance and Enforcement of Orders

§ 45-12-31. Powers to Prevent Violence and Maintain Order — Filing of Proclamation; Powers of Governor Over Civil and Military Officials Generally

§ 45-12-32. Powers to Prevent Violence and Maintain Order — Promulgation and Enforcement of Emergency Rules and Regulations

§ 45-12-33. Powers to Prevent Violence and Maintain Order — Publishing and Posting of Emergency Rules and Regulations

§ 45-12-34. Powers to Prevent Violence and Maintain Order — Enforcement of Rules and Regulations

§ 45-12-35. Reward for Detection or Apprehension of Perpetrators of Felonies or Cattle, Horse, or Swine Thieves

§ 45-12-36. Reward for Information Leading to Identification, Apprehension, and Conviction of Persons Who Cause the Death of a Law Enforcement Officer

§ 45-12-37. Reward for Information Leading to Arrest and Conviction of Person Selling Dangerous or Narcotic Drugs Generally; Rewards by Counties and Municipalities

§ 45-12-38. Temporary Transfer of Institution Between Departments or Agencies Authorized; Special Report to General Assembly

§ 45-12-39. Annual Report to General Assembly on Administration’s Policies and Goals

§ 45-12-40. Cooperation With Other States on Federal Grants

§ 45-12-41. Governor’s Delegation of Powers Under Applicable Federal Transportation Planning and Air Quality Laws and Regulations