Georgia Code
Article 2 - Organization and Administration
§ 38-3-20. Georgia Emergency Management and Homeland Security Agency Created; Director; Staff; Offices; Director’s Duties; Disaster Coordinator

History. Ga. L. 1951, p. 224, § 4; Ga. L. 1953, Nov.-Dec. Sess., p. 171, § 2; Ga. L. 1981, p. 389, § 2; Ga. L. 1985, p. 468, § 1; Ga. L. 1992, p. 1258, § 3; Ga. L. 1998, p. 1017, § 1; Ga. L. 1999, p. 372, § 2; Ga. L. 2005, p. 660, § 7/HB 470; Ga. L. 2016, p. 91, § 6/SB 416; Ga. L. 2018, p. 681, § 1-2/HB 779.
Cross references.
Department of Defense generally, § 38-2-130 et seq.

Structure Georgia Code

Georgia Code

Title 38 - Military, Emergency Management, and Veterans Affairs

Chapter 3 - Emergency Management

Article 2 - Organization and Administration

§ 38-3-20. Georgia Emergency Management and Homeland Security Agency Created; Director; Staff; Offices; Director’s Duties; Disaster Coordinator

§ 38-3-21. Director Authorized to Make Rules and Regulations

§ 38-3-22. Governor’s Emergency Management Powers and Duties

§ 38-3-22.1. Safety Plan Addressing Threat of Terrorism Required of State Agencies or Authorities; Exemptions; Training and Technical Assistance; Confidentiality of Plans and Related Documentation

§ 38-3-22.2. Sharing and Reporting of Cyber Attacks and Data Breaches; Reports or Records Confidential; Construction With Other Provisions

§ 38-3-22.3. Memorandum of Agreement With Military Commands in This State to Enhance Opportunities for Georgians

§ 38-3-23. Investigations and Surveys; Subpoena Power; Cooperation

§ 38-3-24. Traffic Control; Plans, Regulations, and Coordination

§ 38-3-25. Lease or Loan of State Property for National or Local Purposes; Transfer of State Personnel; Local Authorities Empowered to Utilize Property

§ 38-3-26. Mobile Support Units; Organization; Rights, Powers, Duties, Privileges, Immunities, and Compensation, of Employees; Reimbursement to Localities and Out-of-State Units; Service Out of State

§ 38-3-27. Local Organizations for Emergency Management; Creation; Structure; Powers; Directors; Appointment, Qualifications, and Compensation; State to Provide Financial Assistance; Entitlement for Funding

§ 38-3-28. Authority of Political Subdivisions; Filing of Orders, Rules, and Regulations; Effect; Consideration of Federal Emergency Management Regulations

§ 38-3-29. Local Mutual Aid Arrangements; Out-of-State Arrangements; Conformity With State Plan

§ 38-3-30. Aid Rendered by Local Employees to Other Political Subdivisions; Reimbursement of Personnel and Equipment Expenses by Aided Locality; Procedure

§ 38-3-31. Authority of State and Localities to Accept Gifts, Grants, or Loans, From Federal or Private Sources

§ 38-3-32. Sovereign Immunity Granted Those Who Allow Premises to Be Used for Emergency Management Purposes; When

§ 38-3-33. Immunity Granted Those Who Provide Equipment in Emergencies

§ 38-3-34. Emergency Management Personnel; Qualifications; Oath; Who May Administer

§ 38-3-35. Immunity of State and Political Subdivisions; of Emergency Management Workers

§ 38-3-36. Director to License Nongovernmental Rescue Organizations; Exception; Registration of Public and Private Search and Rescue Dog Teams

§ 38-3-37. Prohibited Actions by Government Official or Employee During Declared State of Emergency

§ 38-3-38. Entrance Upon Private Property by Department of Corrections Personnel During State of Emergency or Disaster