Georgia Code
Part 10 - Punitive Provisions
§ 38-2-1107. Signing False Official Document; Making False Official Statement

Any person subject to this article who, with intent to deceive, signs any false record, return, regulation, order, or other official document made in the line of duty, knowing it to be false, or makes any other false official statement made in the line of duty, knowing it to be false, shall be punished as a court-martial may direct.
History. Code 1981, § 38-2-1107 , enacted by Ga. L. 2015, p. 753, § 1/HB 98.
U.S. Code.
For similar provision in Uniform Code of Military Justice, see 10 U.S.C. § 907 .

Structure Georgia Code

Georgia Code

Title 38 - Military, Emergency Management, and Veterans Affairs

Chapter 2 - Military Affairs

Article 5 - Code of Military Justice

Part 10 - Punitive Provisions

§ 38-2-1077. Principals

§ 38-2-1078. Accessory After the Fact

§ 38-2-1079. Conviction of Lesser Included Offense

§ 38-2-1080. Attempts

§ 38-2-1081. Conspiracy

§ 38-2-1082. Solicitation of Desertion, Mutiny, Misbehavior Before the Enemy, or Sedition

§ 38-2-1083. Fraudulent Enlistment, Appointment, or Separation

§ 38-2-1084. Unlawful Enlistment, Appointment, or Separation

§ 38-2-1085. Desertion

§ 38-2-1086. Absence Without Leave

§ 38-2-1087. Missing Movement of Ship, Aircraft, or Unit

§ 38-2-1088. Contempt Toward Officials

§ 38-2-1089. Disrespect Toward a Superior Officer

§ 38-2-1090. Assaulting or Willfully Disobeying Officer

§ 38-2-1091. Insubordination Toward Warrant or Noncommissioned Officer

§ 38-2-1092. Failure to Obey Order or Regulation

§ 38-2-1093. Cruelty and Maltreatment of Others Under One’s Command

§ 38-2-1094. Mutiny and Sedition

§ 38-2-1095. Resistance, Breach of Arrest, and Escape

§ 38-2-1096. Assistance in a Prisoner’s Escape

§ 38-2-1097. Unlawful Detention

§ 38-2-1098. Noncompliance With Procedural Rules; Unnecessary Delay

§ 38-2-1099. Misbehavior Before the Enemy

§ 38-2-1100. Compelling Surrender

§ 38-2-1101. Disclosure or Improper Use of Countersign or Parole

§ 38-2-1102. Forcing a Safeguard

§ 38-2-1103. Captured or Abandoned Property; Trading and Looting Prohibited

§ 38-2-1104. Aiding the Enemy

§ 38-2-1105. Misconduct as Prisoner of War

§ 38-2-1107. Signing False Official Document; Making False Official Statement

§ 38-2-1108. Military Property; Loss, Damage, Destruction, or Wrongful Disposition

§ 38-2-1109. Property Other Than Military Property; Waste, Spoilage, or Destruction

§ 38-2-1110. Willful or Negligent Hazarding of Vessel

§ 38-2-1111. Driving While Under the Influence of Drugs or Alcohol

§ 38-2-1112. Under the Influence of Alcohol While on Duty

§ 38-2-1112.1. Use, Possession, Manufacture, Distribution, or Importation of Certain Controlled Substances; Exceptions

§ 38-2-1113. Drunk or Sleeping While Standing Post

§ 38-2-1115. Malingering; Feigning Illness; Self-Infliction of Injury

§ 38-2-1116. Riot or Breach of Peace

§ 38-2-1117. Provoking Words or Gestures

§ 38-2-1131. Perjury

§ 38-2-1132. Fraudulent Claims Against the Government

§ 38-2-1133. Conduct Unbecoming an Officer

§ 38-2-1134. General Provision