Georgia Code
Article 2 - Administration
§ 34-9-40. State Board of Workers’ Compensation Created; Appointment of Members; Powers and Duties of Board Generally

There is created and established within the executive branch a board to be known as the State Board of Workers’ Compensation, composed of three members who shall be appointed by the Governor for a term of four years. Each member shall hold office until his or her successor shall have been appointed and qualified. An individual chosen to fill a vacancy shall be appointed only for the unexpired term of the member whom he or she shall succeed. The board shall have full authority, power, and the duty to promulgate policies, rules, and regulations for the administration of this chapter. The board may promulgate policies, rules, and regulations concerning the electronic submission to and transmission from the board of documents and filings. Additionally, the board shall have full authority to conduct training seminars for the purpose of educating various employers as to their liability regarding workers’ compensation claims. Such seminars may be paid for by the board through funding provided from sources other than appropriations made by the General Assembly. Excess funds generated through seminars may be amended into the board’s operating budget as approved by the Office of Planning and Budget. Excess funds generated through seminars not amended into the board’s operating budget, as determined by the state auditor, shall lapse to the Office of the State Treasurer.
History. Ga. L. 1920, p. 167, § 50; Ga. L. 1922, p. 77, § 1; Ga. L. 1931, p. 7, § 108; Code 1933, § 114-701; Ga. L. 1937, p. 230, §§ 3, 5; Ga. L. 1943, p. 167, § 3; Ga. L. 1975, p. 198, § 5; Ga. L. 1988, p. 1679, § 4; Ga. L. 1996, p. 1291, § 7; Ga. L. 1997, p. 143, § 34; Ga. L. 2005, p. 1210, § 2/HB 327; Ga. L. 2010, p. 863, § 2/SB 296.
Cross references.
Reimbursement of Department of Law by board for legal services provided to board by assistant attorney general, and others, § 45-15-37.
Leave to appeal decision of State Board of Workers’ Compensation, Rules of the Court of Appeals of the State of Georgia, Rule 40.
Law reviews.
For annual survey of workers’ compensation law, see 57 Mercer L. Rev. 419 (2005).

Structure Georgia Code

Georgia Code

Title 34 - Labor and Industrial Relations

Chapter 9 - Workers’ Compensation

Article 2 - Administration

§ 34-9-40. State Board of Workers’ Compensation Created; Appointment of Members; Powers and Duties of Board Generally

§ 34-9-41. Appointment and Term of Chairman of Board

§ 34-9-42. Qualifications and Roles of Members

§ 34-9-43. Oath of Office of Members

§ 34-9-44. Bond of Members

§ 34-9-45. Removal of Members

§ 34-9-46. Quorum

§ 34-9-47. Trial Division and Appellate Division Created; Composition; Sessions

§ 34-9-48. Designation of Members as Appellate Administrative Law Judges

§ 34-9-48.1. Senior Administrative Law Judge of the Board

§ 34-9-49. Appointment and Removal of Executive Director

§ 34-9-51. Payment by State of Traveling Expenses of Members, Administrative Law Judges, and Assistants

§ 34-9-52. Officials, Personnel, and Employees Subject to State Personnel Board; Compensation of Board Members and Administrative Law Judges

§ 34-9-53. Directors Emeritus of Board — Eligibility for Appointment; Procedure for Appointment

§ 34-9-54. Directors Emeritus of Board — Term of Office; Compensation

§ 34-9-55. Directors Emeritus of Board — Duties

§ 34-9-56. Directors Emeritus of Board — Filling of Board Vacancies Caused by Appointment of Director Emeritus

§ 34-9-57. Creation of Administrative Law Judge Emeritus of Board; Eligibility for Appointment; Manner of Appointment; Compensation

§ 34-9-58. Powers and Duties of Board as to Enforcement of Chapter Generally

§ 34-9-59. Adoption of Rules of Procedure

§ 34-9-60. Rule-Making and Subpoena Powers; Service and Enforcement of Subpoenas

§ 34-9-61. Publication of Blank Forms and Literature; Publication of Tabulations of Accident Reports

§ 34-9-63. Proration of Board’s Expenses; Required Annual Reports and Statements; Audit of Board; Collection of Delinquent Assessments