Georgia Code
Article 9 - Subsequent Injury Trust Fund
§ 34-9-353. Surety Bonds of Administrator and Custodian

The administrator and the custodian, before entering upon the performance of their duties, shall each execute and file an official surety bond of not less than $50,000.00. The bonds shall be approved as to form and sufficiency by the Attorney General. The bonds shall be payable to the Subsequent Injury Trust Fund and conditioned upon the faithful performance of the respective duties of the administrator and custodian. The premium for the bonds shall be paid out of the moneys of the Subsequent Injury Trust Fund.
History. Code 1933, § 114-902, enacted by Ga. L. 1977, p. 608, § 1.

Structure Georgia Code

Georgia Code

Title 34 - Labor and Industrial Relations

Chapter 9 - Workers’ Compensation

Article 9 - Subsequent Injury Trust Fund

§ 34-9-350. Purpose and Construction of Article

§ 34-9-351. Definitions

§ 34-9-351.1. Exclusion From Eligibility for Reimbursement of Certain Self-Insured Employers

§ 34-9-352. Creation and Authority of Subsequent Injury Trust Fund; State Treasurer as Custodian

§ 34-9-353. Surety Bonds of Administrator and Custodian

§ 34-9-354. Creation and Appointment of Board of Trustees; Duties; Term of Office of Members and Chairman; Oath of Office

§ 34-9-355. Appointment of Administrator; Administration of Article; Members of Retirement System

§ 34-9-356. Payment of Travel Expenses of Board Members, Administrator, and Employees; per Diem Allowance of Board Members

§ 34-9-357. Payment of Costs of Administration; Submission and Approval of Annual Budget; Audit of Funds

§ 34-9-358. Payment of Assessments to Fund by Insurers and Self-Insurers; Calculations

§ 34-9-359. Reports by Employers of Compensation and Benefits Paid; Failure to Pay Assessments

§ 34-9-360. Reimbursement of Employer or Insurer for Subsequent Injury Compensation Payments; Amounts of and Prerequisites to Reimbursement From Fund

§ 34-9-361. Employer’s Knowledge of Employee’s Preexisting Permanent Impairment

§ 34-9-362. Notice by Employer or Insurer of Claim Against Fund; Request for a Hearing

§ 34-9-363. Agreements for Reimbursement From Fund; Hearing by State Board of Workers’ Compensation in Absence of Agreement; Compromise Settlements

§ 34-9-363.1. Duty to Notify Administrator of Proposed Settlement Agreements After Reimbursement Agreement Has Been Reached; Approval of Such Settlement Agreements

§ 34-9-364. Apportionment or Denial of Reimbursement for Expenses Paid by Employer or Insurer

§ 34-9-365. Injuries to Which Article Is Applicable

§ 34-9-366. Binding of Fund to Questions Determined in Proceedings to Which It Was Not a Party

§ 34-9-367. Liability of Fund for Interest or Attorney’s Fees

§ 34-9-368. Reimbursement of Self-Insured Employers or Insureds; Actuarial Study Required; Dissolution of Subsequent Injury Trust Fund