Georgia Code
Article 1 - General Provisions
§ 34-9-12. Employer’s Record of Injuries; Availability of Board Records; Supplementary Report on Termination of Disability; Penalties; Routine Reports

History. Ga. L. 1920, p. 167, § 65; Ga. L. 1923, p. 92, § 6; Ga. L. 1929, p. 358, § 1; Code 1933, § 114-716; Ga. L. 1957, p. 493, § 1; Ga. L. 1963, p. 141, § 16; Ga. L. 1975, p. 198, § 12; Ga. L. 1988, p. 1679, § 2; Ga. L. 1993, p. 1396, § 1; Ga. L. 1994, p. 97, § 34; Ga. L. 2002, p. 846, § 1; Ga. L. 2010, p. 126, § 1/HB 1101.
Cross references.
General duty of employers to keep record of name, address, and occupation of employees, § 34-2-11 .
Board’s duty to provide injured workers with notice of rights, benefits, and obligations, § 34-9-81.1 .
Law reviews.
For annual survey of law on labor and employment law, see 62 Mercer L. Rev. 181 (2010).

Structure Georgia Code

Georgia Code

Title 34 - Labor and Industrial Relations

Chapter 9 - Workers’ Compensation

Article 1 - General Provisions

§ 34-9-1. Definitions

§ 34-9-2. Applicability of Chapter to Employers and Employees — Generally

§ 34-9-2.1. Exemption of Corporate Officers; Limitation

§ 34-9-2.2. Eligibility of Sole Proprietor or Partner for Workers’ Compensation Insurance

§ 34-9-2.3. Election to Provide Workers’ Compensation Coverage to Farm Laborers

§ 34-9-2.4. Work Based Learning Students Covered Under Workers’ Compensation Insurance

§ 34-9-3. Applicability of Chapter to Employers and Employees — Public Employees Generally

§ 34-9-4. Applicability of Chapter to Employers and Employees — Employees of Planning Commissions

§ 34-9-5. Applicability of Chapter to Employers and Employees — Pilots Under Contract to State Forestry Commission

§ 34-9-6. Retroactive Inclusion of State and Departments in Definition of “Employer”; Resumption of Payments of Awards Previously Discontinued

§ 34-9-7. Presumption of Applicability of Chapter to Contracts Between Employers and Employees Covered by Chapter

§ 34-9-8. Liability of Principal Contractor or Subcontractor for Employee Injuries

§ 34-9-9. Relief From Penalty for Failure or Neglect to Perform Statutory Duty

§ 34-9-10. Relief of Employer From Obligations Under Chapter

§ 34-9-11. Exclusivity of Rights and Remedies Granted to Employee Under Chapter; Immunity Granted to Construction Design Professionals

§ 34-9-11.1. Employee’s or Survivor’s Right of Action Against Person Other Than Employer; Subrogation Lien of Employer; Rights of Employer or Insurer Upon Failure of Employee to Bring Action; Attorney Fees; Retroactive Application

§ 34-9-12. Employer’s Record of Injuries; Availability of Board Records; Supplementary Report on Termination of Disability; Penalties; Routine Reports

§ 34-9-13. Definitions; Persons Presumed Next of Kin; Apportionment of Payments Among Partial and Total Dependents; Termination of Dependency

§ 34-9-14. Provision of Substitute Systems of Compensation; Approval by Board; Grounds and Procedure for Termination

§ 34-9-15. Procedure for Settlement Between Parties Generally; Approval by Board; Finality of Settlement; Lump Sum Settlements

§ 34-9-16. Settlement of Questions if Approved Agreement Cannot Be Reached

§ 34-9-17. Grounds for Denial of Compensation; Burden of Proof in Establishing Grounds for Denial

§ 34-9-18. Civil Penalties; Costs of Collection

§ 34-9-19. Penalty for False or Misleading Statements When Obtaining or Denying Benefits

§ 34-9-20. Giving of False Evidence to Board Member

§ 34-9-21. Penalty for Receiving Unentitled to Benefits

§ 34-9-22. Penalty for Receipt of Unapproved Fees or for Solicitation of Employment for Lawyer or Physician

§ 34-9-23. Liberal Construction of Chapter; Purpose

§ 34-9-24. Fraud and Compliance Unit; Creation and Duties; Limitation on Liability; Authority; Whistle Blower Protection

§ 34-9-25. Patient Self-Referral