Georgia Code
Article 3 - Administration
§ 34-8-85. Withdrawals From Unemployment Trust Fund for Expenditures Under Chapter

Moneys shall be requisitioned from this state’s account in the Unemployment Trust Fund solely for the payment of regular benefits and extended benefits and for refunds pursuant to Code Section 34-8-164 and in accordance with regulations prescribed by the Commissioner, except that moneys credited to this state’s account pursuant to Section 903 of the federal Social Security Act, as amended, may be requisitioned and used exclusively as provided in paragraphs (1) through (5) of this Code section:
History. Code 1981, § 34-8-85 , enacted by Ga. L. 1991, p. 139, § 1; Ga. L. 1992, p. 6, § 34; Ga. L. 1998, p. 1501, § 1; Ga. L. 2009, p. 139, § 10/HB 581.
Editor’s notes.
Ga. L. 2009, p. 139, § 1/HB 581, not codified by the General Assembly, provides that: “This Act shall be known and may be cited as the ‘Georgia Works Job Creation and Protection Act of 2009.’ ”
U.S. Code.
Section 903 of the federal Social Security Act, referred to throughout this Code section, is codified as 42 U.S.C. § 1103 .

Structure Georgia Code

Georgia Code

Title 34 - Labor and Industrial Relations

Chapter 8 - Employment Security

Article 3 - Administration

§ 34-8-70. Duties and Powers of Commissioner

§ 34-8-71. Distribution of Text of Chapter and Other Materials

§ 34-8-72. Appointment of State and Local or Industry Advisory Councils

§ 34-8-73. Department to Administer Chapter and Programs; Authority to Create, and Delegate Powers and Duties To, Employment Security Agency

§ 34-8-74. Appointment, Compensation, Powers, and Duties of Personnel Administering Chapter

§ 34-8-75. Experience Rating Committee

§ 34-8-76. Duties of Commissioner to Reduce and Prevent Unemployment

§ 34-8-77. Creation and Financing of State Employment Service; Cooperation With Federal Agencies; Authority to Establish and Maintain Free Public Employment Offices

§ 34-8-78. Board of Review; Appointment, Term of Office, Compensation, and Removal of Members

§ 34-8-79. State and Federal Cooperation in Administration of Chapter

§ 34-8-80. Payment of Compensation Under Two or More State Unemployment Compensation Laws

§ 34-8-81. Creation of Employment Security Administration Fund; Sources of Money for Fund; Management and Control of Moneys

§ 34-8-82. State Reimbursement of Employment Security Administration Fund for Moneys Lost, Wrongfully Expended, or Overexpended

§ 34-8-83. Establishment, Composition, and Administration of Unemployment Compensation Fund

§ 34-8-84. Commissioner as Custodian of Fund; Establishment of Accounts Within Fund; Deposits of Money in Accounts

§ 34-8-85. Withdrawals From Unemployment Trust Fund for Expenditures Under Chapter

§ 34-8-86. Management of Funds Upon Discontinuance of Unemployment Trust Fund

§ 34-8-87. Borrowing Funds From United States Treasury Upon Depletion of Unemployment Compensation Fund

§ 34-8-88. Necessary Powers in Discharge of Duties

§ 34-8-89. Application for Order Requiring Persons to Obey Subpoena Issued by Commissioner

§ 34-8-91. Benefits Limited to Extent Funds Are Available

§ 34-8-92. Disposition of Fines, Penalties, and Interest Collected; Amounts Collected Pursuant to Code Section 34-8-255 to Be Returned to Unemployment Compensation Fund

§ 34-8-93. Construction of Chapter; Severability