Georgia Code
Article 4 - County and Municipal Hospital Authorities
§ 31-7-88. Payment of General Obligations

Obligations of an authority other than certificates shall be payable from general funds of an authority and shall at no time be a charge against any special fund allocated to the payment of certificates except upon payment of current annual maturities and reserves required to be created under Code Section 31-7-77. The maturity of any such obligations shall not extend for more than 40 years.
History. Ga. L. 1941, p. 241, § 11; Code 1933, § 88-1816, enacted by Ga. L. 1964, p. 499, § 1; Ga. L. 1974, p. 424, § 1.

Structure Georgia Code

Georgia Code

Title 31 - Health

Chapter 7 - Regulation and Construction of Hospitals and Other Health Care Facilities

Article 4 - County and Municipal Hospital Authorities

§ 31-7-70. Short Title

§ 31-7-71. Definitions

§ 31-7-72. Creation of Hospital Authority in Each County and Municipality

§ 31-7-72.1. Merger of Hospital Authorities

§ 31-7-73. Creation of Additional Hospital Authority in Counties With Large Populations

§ 31-7-74. Residency Requirement; Officers; Compensation; Rules and Regulations

§ 31-7-74.1. Definitions; Disclosures Required; Prohibited Transactions; Exceptions; Sanctioning; Sanctioning of Members Violating Prohibition; Authorization of Authority to Make Stricter Rules; Preemption of Other Laws; Applicability

§ 31-7-74.2. Oath to Be Taken by Members of Hospital Authority

§ 31-7-74.3. Sale or Lease by Hospital Authority; Hearing Required; Factors to Be Considered at Hearing; Applicability; Requirements for Lease

§ 31-7-74.4. Board Members Deemed Directors Upon Sale or Lease of Hospital

§ 31-7-75. Functions and Powers

§ 31-7-75.1. Proceeds of Sale of Hospital Held in Trust to Fund Indigent Health Care

§ 31-7-75.2. Exemption From Disclosure for Potentially Commercially Valuable Plan, Proposal, or Strategy

§ 31-7-76. Procedure in Event of Failure of Authority to Perform Minimum Functions; Determination of Removal From Office; Appointments to Fill Vacancies Created by Removal

§ 31-7-77. Prohibition on For-Profit Projects; Rates and Charges; Utilization of Revenues to Pay Certain Obligations

§ 31-7-78. Issuance and Sale of Negotiable Revenue Anticipation Certificates

§ 31-7-79. Liability on Revenue Certificates; Tax Exemption

§ 31-7-80. Form and Contents of Revenue Certificates; Validity of Signatures Thereon

§ 31-7-81. Confirmation and Validation of Revenue Certificates

§ 31-7-82. Enforcement of Rights of Revenue Certificate Holders; Procedure in Event of Default

§ 31-7-83. Investment of Surplus Moneys and Moneys Received Through Issuance of Revenue Certificates

§ 31-7-84. Payment for Authority’s Services and Facilities; Levy of Tax by Political Subdivisions; Compliance by Authority With County Budgetary Procedures

§ 31-7-85. Contracts With Political Subdivisions

§ 31-7-86. Manner of Operating Property Conveyed or Leased to Authority

§ 31-7-87. Hypothecation or Mortgaging of Purchased Hospital Facilities

§ 31-7-88. Payment of General Obligations

§ 31-7-89. Procedure for Dissolution; Disposition of Property

§ 31-7-89.1. “Control” Defined; Sale or Lease by Hospital Authority Subject to Requirements of Article 15 of This Chapter

§ 31-7-90. Annual Report; Budget

§ 31-7-90.1. Community Benefit Report; Report Disclosing Member Ownership in Entities Transacting Business With Authority

§ 31-7-91. Required Annual Audit

§ 31-7-92. Filing of Audits

§ 31-7-93. Failure to Provide for Audit

§ 31-7-94. Grants to Hospital Authorities and Rural Hospital Organizations

§ 31-7-94.1. Rural Hospital Organization Assistance Act; Legislative Findings; Certification of Rural Hospitals for Grant Eligibility; Rules and Regulations

§ 31-7-95. Funding of Medical Education Provided by Hospital Authorities and Designated Teaching Hospitals

§ 31-7-96. Construction of Article