Georgia Code
Article 3 - Certificate of Need Program
§ 31-6-44.1. [Effective Until July 1, 2023. See note.] Judicial Review

History. Code 1981, § 31-6-44.1 , enacted by Ga. L. 2008, p. 12, § 1-1/SB 433.
Delayed effective date.
This Code section is effective until July 1, 2023. For version effective July 1, 2023, see the following version of this Code section.
Editor’s notes.
Ga. L. 2008, p. 12, § 3-1/SB 433, not codified by the General Assembly, provides that the enactment of this Code section shall only apply to applications submitted on or after July 1, 2008.
Law reviews.
For annual survey on administrative law, see 65 Mercer L. Rev. 41 (2013).
For annual survey on administrative law, see 69 Mercer L. Rev. 15 (2017).
For annual survey on administrative law, see 70 Mercer L. Rev. 1 (2018).

Structure Georgia Code

Georgia Code

Title 31 - Health

Chapter 6 - State Health Planning and Development

Article 3 - Certificate of Need Program

§ 31-6-40. Certificate of Need Required for New Institutional Health Services; Exemption

§ 31-6-40.1. Acquisition of Health Care Facilities; Penalty for Failure to Notify Department; Limitation on Applications; Agreement to Care for Indigent Patients; Requirements for Destination Cancer Hospitals; Notice and Hearing Provisions for Penalt...

§ 31-6-40.2. New Perinatal Services

§ 31-6-40.3. Conversion of Destination Cancer Hospital to General Cancer Hospital; Procedure; Requirements

§ 31-6-41. Scope and Term of Validity of Certificate

§ 31-6-42. Qualifications for Issuance of Certificate

§ 31-6-42.1. Payment of Obligations Prior to Granting or Modifying a Certificate of Need

§ 31-6-43. Acceptance or Rejection of Application for Certificate

§ 31-6-44. Certificate of Need Appeal Panel

§ 31-6-44.1. [Effective Until July 1, 2023. See note.] Judicial Review

§ 31-6-44.1. [Effective July 1, 2023. See note.] Judicial Review

§ 31-6-45. Revocation of Certificate of Need; Enforcement of Chapter; Regulatory Investigations and Examinations

§ 31-6-45.1. Automatic Revocation of Certificate of Need or Authority

§ 31-6-45.2. Participation as Medicaid Provider Requirement; Termination by Health Care Facility of Participation as Provider of Medical Assistance; Monetary Penalty

§ 31-6-46. Annual Report by Department

§ 31-6-47. Exemptions From Chapter

§ 31-6-47.1. Prior Notice and Approval of Certain Activities

§ 31-6-48. Prior Entities Abolished; Transfer of Contractual Obligations

§ 31-6-49. Transitional Provisions

§ 31-6-50. Application of Review Procedures to Expenditures Under Section 1122 of the Federal Social Security Act