Georgia Code
Article 2 - Prohibited Acts
§ 3-3-25. Sale of or Furnishing Alcoholic Beverages to Prisoners or Inmates of Places of Confinement; Introduction or Possession of Alcoholic Beverages at Georgia War Veterans Home

History. Ga. L. 1874, p. 92, § 1; Ga. L. 1875, p. 328, § 1; Code 1882, § 1374a; Penal Code 1895, § 437; Penal Code 1910, § 437; Code 1933, § 58-607; Ga. L. 1977, p. 183, § 1; Ga. L. 1977, p. 1247, § 1; Code 1933, § 5A-512, enacted by Ga. L. 1980, p. 1573, § 1; Ga. L. 2015, p. 81, § 2/HB 85.
Cross references.
Restriction on sale of spirituous beverages at or near armories, camps, and other facilities of the organized militia or other place where the force is performing military duty, § 38-2-306 .
Furnishing of alcoholic beverages to inmates of correctional institutions, § 42-5-18 .

Structure Georgia Code

Georgia Code

Title 3 - Alcoholic Beverages

Chapter 3 - Regulation of Alcoholic Beverages Generally

Article 2 - Prohibited Acts

§ 3-3-20. Sale of Alcoholic Beverages on Sundays, Election Days, and Christmas Day

§ 3-3-21. Sales of Alcoholic Beverages Near Churches, School Buildings, or Other Sites

§ 3-3-21.1. Possession of Alcoholic Beverages on the Grounds of a Public School

§ 3-3-22. Sale or Furnishing of Alcoholic Beverages to Intoxicated Persons

§ 3-3-23. Furnishing To, Purchase Of, or Possession by Persons Under 21 Years of Age of Alcoholic Beverages; Identification; Serving, or Handling by Persons Under 21 Years of Age in the Course of Employment; Seller’s Receipt of False Identification;...

§ 3-3-23.1. Procedure and Penalties Upon Violation of Code Section 3-3-23

§ 3-3-24. Dispensing, Serving, Selling, or Taking Orders for Alcoholic Beverages by Persons Under 18 Years of Age

§ 3-3-24.1. “Bouncer” Defined; Admission of Under 21 Year Olds Into Bar

§ 3-3-24.2. Posting of Laws Regarding Sale of Alcoholic Beverages to Underage Persons

§ 3-3-25. Sale of or Furnishing Alcoholic Beverages to Prisoners or Inmates of Places of Confinement; Introduction or Possession of Alcoholic Beverages at Georgia War Veterans Home

§ 3-3-26. Prohibition on Drinking of Alcoholic Beverages on Retail Package Premises; Sampling Permitted; Regulation

§ 3-3-27. Unlawful Manufacture, Transportation, Receipt, Possession, Sale, or Distribution of Alcoholic Beverages; Failure to File Proper Reports or Bonds or Pay Fees; Declaration of Apparatus Used in Unlawful Manufacture of Alcoholic Beverages as Co...

§ 3-3-27.1. Report to the Commissioner of Alcoholic Beverages Transported Into This State

§ 3-3-29. Possession, Sale, or Purchase of Distilled Spirits for Which Taxes Not Paid

§ 3-3-30. Storage and Distribution of Alcoholic Beverages by Corporations Granted the Privilege of Establishing, Operating, and Maintaining Foreign Trade Zones

§ 3-3-31. Legislative Findings

§ 3-3-32. Shipment of Alcoholic Beverages Into State by Nonresident, Without License, Who Is in Business of Selling Alcoholic Beverages in Another State

§ 3-3-33. Vaporized Form of Alcoholic Beverages and Alcohol Vaporizing Devices Prohibited

§ 3-3-34. “Powdered Alcohol” Defined; Prohibition; Exception; Penalty