Georgia Code
Chapter 9 - Blasting or Excavating Near Underground Facilities
§ 25-9-11.1. Local Governing Authorities Prohibited From Enforcing Ordinances or Resolutions Imposing Fines for Violations of Certain Marking or Location Requirements

No local governing authority shall enforce any ordinance or resolution which imposes fines for a violation of a local ordinance or resolution that establishes requirements for white lining, marking of underground facilities, re-marking of underground facilities, or otherwise locating underground facilities or sewer laterals for any locate request or large project.
History. Code 1981, § 25-9-11.1 , enacted by Ga. L. 2016, p. 239, § 2/SB 191; Ga. L. 2022, p. 325, § 1/HB 1372.
Effective date.
This Code section became effective July 1, 2016.
The 2022 amendment, effective September 1, 2022, substituted “underground” for “utility” three times.

Structure Georgia Code

Georgia Code

Title 25 - Fire Protection and Safety

Chapter 9 - Blasting or Excavating Near Underground Facilities

§ 25-9-1. Short Title

§ 25-9-2. Purpose of Chapter

§ 25-9-3. Definitions

§ 25-9-4. Design Locate Request and Response

§ 25-9-5. Cooperation With Upc; Permanent Markers for Water and Sewer Facilities; Accurate Placement; Point of Contact List

§ 25-9-6. Prerequisites to Blasting or Excavating; Marking of Sites

§ 25-9-7. Determining Whether Underground Facilities Are Present; Information to Upc; Noncompliance; Future Underground Facilities; Abandoned Underground Facilities

§ 25-9-8. Treatment of Underground Facilities by Blasters and Excavators; Emergency Notifications

§ 25-9-9. Degree of Accuracy Required in Underground Facility Location Information; Effect of Inaccurate Information on Liability of Blaster or Excavator; Liability of Facility Owners for Losses Resulting From Lack of Accurate Information

§ 25-9-10. Effect of Chapter Upon Rights, Titles, Powers, or Interests of Facility Owners or Operators

§ 25-9-10.1. Cooperation With the Department of Transportation

§ 25-9-11. Effect of Chapter Upon Rights, Powers, etc., of State, Counties, or Municipalities Concerning Facilities Located on Public Road or Street Rights of Way

§ 25-9-11.1. Local Governing Authorities Prohibited From Enforcing Ordinances or Resolutions Imposing Fines for Violations of Certain Marking or Location Requirements

§ 25-9-12. Notice Requirements for Emergency Excavations

§ 25-9-13. Appropriate Notice Required

§ 25-9-14. Liability; Bonds; Enforcement; Advisory Committee; Civil Penalties; Settlement Recommendations