Georgia Code
Chapter 10 - Regulation of Fireworks
§ 25-10-11. Enforcement; Cease and Desist Orders; License Revocation; Opportunity for Hearing; Penalty for Failure to Comply With Order; Authority to Bring Civil Action

History. Code 1981, § 25-10-11 , enacted by Ga. L. 2016, p. 64, § 12/HB 727.
Effective date. —
This Code section became effective April 26, 2016.
Law reviews.
For article on the 2016 enactment of this Code section, see 33 Georgia St. U.L. Rev. 55 (2016).

Structure Georgia Code

Georgia Code

Title 25 - Fire Protection and Safety

Chapter 10 - Regulation of Fireworks

§ 25-10-1. Definitions

§ 25-10-2. Prohibited Fireworks Activities; Application of Noise Ordinances

§ 25-10-2.1. Use of Fireworks and Consumer Fireworks While Under the Influence; Violation

§ 25-10-3. Permitted Sales and Uses of Fireworks

§ 25-10-3.1. Storage of Fireworks by Licensed Nonmanufacturers

§ 25-10-3.2. License Required for Pyrotechnics Exhibits; Requirements; Penalty for Violations

§ 25-10-4. Requirement of Permit for Conduct of Fireworks Display; Application; Imposition of Conditions as to Granting of Permit; Duration and Transfer of Permit; Disposition of Excess Fireworks; Fees

§ 25-10-4.1. Employment of Persons Under Age 18 in Connection With Fireworks Storage or Public Displays

§ 25-10-5. License and Fee for Manufacture, Storage, and Transportation of Fireworks or Pyrotechnic Displays; Promulgation of Safety Regulations; Conduct of Inspections

§ 25-10-5.1. Requirements for Issuance of License to Distribute Consumer Fireworks; Required Signage

§ 25-10-6. Fireworks Manufactured, Sold, or Stored in Violation of Chapter Declared Contraband; Seizure and Disposition Thereof; Forfeiture

§ 25-10-7. Applicability of Provisions of Chapter

§ 25-10-8. Penalty for Violations of Chapter

§ 25-10-9. Penalty for Illegal Use or Sale of Fireworks

§ 25-10-10. Prohibition on Release of Certain Fire-Propelled Devices Into the Air and Certain Floating Lantern Devices Into Public Water Locations

§ 25-10-11. Enforcement; Cease and Desist Orders; License Revocation; Opportunity for Hearing; Penalty for Failure to Comply With Order; Authority to Bring Civil Action

§ 25-10-12. Additional Grounds for Revocation or Suspension, Refusal, or Nonrenewal of License