Georgia Code
Chapter 4 - Recall of Public Officers
§ 21-4-11. Recall Petition — Determination of Legal Sufficiency of Petition; Time Period for Filing; Amendment; Notification of Various Persons of Legal Sufficiency of Petition

History. Code 1981, § 21-4-11 , enacted by Ga. L. 1989, p. 1721, § 1; Ga. L. 1990, p. 1939, § 7.
Editor’s notes.
Ga. L. 1990, p. 1939, § 8, not codified by the General Assembly, provides that the Act shall only apply to recall proceedings under Chapter 4 of Title 21 which are instituted on or after July 1, 1990.

Structure Georgia Code

Georgia Code

Title 21 - Elections

Chapter 4 - Recall of Public Officers

§ 21-4-1. Short Title

§ 21-4-2. Legislative Intent

§ 21-4-3. Definitions

§ 21-4-4. Officers Subject to Recall; Number of Electors Needed to Demand Recall; Limitation on Number of Public Officials Who May Be Subjects of a Particular Recall Petition; Grounds for Recall

§ 21-4-5. Recall Petition — Application for and Time of Filing; Sponsors; Withdrawal of Signature; Duties of Election Superintendent; Printing and Distribution of Recall Petition Forms by Secretary of State

§ 21-4-6. Review of Grounds for Recall Petition

§ 21-4-7. Recall Petition — Form

§ 21-4-8. Recall Petition — Electors Eligible to Sign; Procedure for Circulating; Obtaining and Verifying Signatures; Form for Affidavit of Circulator; Change in Signature and Residence Address

§ 21-4-9. Recall Application or Petition — Procedure for Withdrawal of Signature; Contents and Form of Affidavit to Be Executed and Filed by Person Desiring to Withdraw Signature

§ 21-4-10. Recall Petition or Application — Persons Who May Not Circulate Petition or Application; Effect of Signatures Obtained by Unqualified Persons

§ 21-4-11. Recall Petition — Determination of Legal Sufficiency of Petition; Time Period for Filing; Amendment; Notification of Various Persons of Legal Sufficiency of Petition

§ 21-4-12. No Recall Election When Officeholder Resigns Prior to the Holding of a Recall Election

§ 21-4-13. Recall Election — Time for Holding; Officer to Call Election; Publication of Call; Form of Ballots; Vote Required to Effectuate Recall; Special Election to Fill Vacancy Created

§ 21-4-14. Recall Election — Filing Subsequent Recall Petition Against Officer Following Recall Election or Denial of Recall Petition

§ 21-4-15. Manner of Conducting Recall Elections

§ 21-4-16. Campaign and Financial Disclosure Requirements, Restrictions, and Qualifications

§ 21-4-17. Promulgation of Rules and Regulations by Secretary of State

§ 21-4-18. Application to Court to Compel Election Superintendent to Comply With Chapter; Jurisdiction and Venue of Actions Against Election Superintendent

§ 21-4-19. Determination of Eligibility to Sign Application for Recall Petition or Petition for Recall

§ 21-4-20. Giving or Receiving Money or Other Thing of Value to Sign Petition or Affidavit; Compelling Person to Sign Petition or to Remove Name; Signing Another’s Name to Petition; Signing More Than One; Signing by Ineligible Person

§ 21-4-21. Construction of Chapter