Georgia Code
Article 15 - Miscellaneous Offenses
§ 21-2-593. Failure of Law Enforcement Officers to Remove Obstacles or to Maintain Order at Polling Places; Hindrance or Delay of Poll Officers by Law Enforcement Officers

Any law enforcement officer who:
shall be guilty of a misdemeanor.
History. Code 1933, § 34-1919, enacted by Ga. L. 1964, Ex. Sess., p. 26, § 1; Ga. L. 1982, p. 1512, § 5; Ga. L. 1998, p. 295, § 1.
Cross references.
Law enforcement officers generally, T. 35.

Structure Georgia Code

Georgia Code

Title 21 - Elections

Chapter 2 - Elections and Primaries Generally

Article 15 - Miscellaneous Offenses

§ 21-2-560. Making of False Statements Generally

§ 21-2-561. False Registration

§ 21-2-562. Fraudulent Entries; Unlawful Alteration or Destruction of Entries; Unlawful Removal of Documents; Neglect or Refusal to Deliver Documents

§ 21-2-563. Improper Signing or Alteration of Nomination Petitions or Affidavits

§ 21-2-564. Willful Destruction, Fraudulent Filing, or Suppression of Nomination Materials

§ 21-2-565. Making of False Statements in Connection With Filing Notice of Candidacy or Qualifying as Candidate for Party Nomination; Duties of District Attorney as to Violations

§ 21-2-566. Interference With Primaries and Elections Generally

§ 21-2-567. Intimidation of Electors

§ 21-2-568. Entry Into Voting Compartment or Booth While Another Voting; Interfering With Elector; Inducing Elector to Reveal or Revealing Elector’s Vote; Influencing Voter While Assisting

§ 21-2-568.1. Intentional Observation of Voting; Penalty

§ 21-2-568.2. Photographic and Other Electronic Monitoring of Ballots Prohibited; Penalty

§ 21-2-569. Interfering With Poll Officers

§ 21-2-570. Giving or Receiving, Offering to Give or Receive, or Participating in the Giving or Receiving of Money or Gifts for Registering as a Voter, Voting, or Voting for a Particular Candidate

§ 21-2-571. Voting by Unqualified Elector or Giving False Information

§ 21-2-572. Repeat Voting in Same Primary or Election

§ 21-2-573. Absentee Voting by Unqualified Elector

§ 21-2-574. Unlawful Possession of Ballots

§ 21-2-575. Counterfeit Ballots or Ballot Labels; Sample or Facsimile Ballots

§ 21-2-576. Destroying, Defacing, or Delaying Delivery of Ballots

§ 21-2-577. Improper Removal of Ballots From Book of Official Ballots

§ 21-2-578. Unfolding, Opening, or Prying Into Ballots

§ 21-2-579. Fraudulently Allowing Ballot or Voting Machine to Be Seen; Casting Unofficial Ballot; Receiving Unauthorized Assistance in Voting

§ 21-2-580. Tampering With, Damaging, Improper Preparation Of, or Prevention of Proper Operation of Voting Machines or Electronic Ballot Markers or Tabulating Machines

§ 21-2-581. Unauthorized Making or Possession of Voting Machine Key

§ 21-2-582. Tampering With, Damaging, or Preventing of Proper Operation of Direct Recording Electronic Equipment or Electronic Ballot Marker or Tabulating Machine or Device

§ 21-2-582.1. Penalty for Voting Equipment Modification

§ 21-2-583. Removal or Destruction of Election Supplies or Conveniences

§ 21-2-584. Refusal or Failure of Manager to Administer Oath to Poll Officer; Poll Officer Acting Without Being Sworn; Giving of False Certification as to Swearing of Poll Officer

§ 21-2-585. Refusal by Superintendent or His or Her Employee to Permit Public Inspection of Documents; Removal, Destruction, or Alteration of Documents

§ 21-2-586. Refusal by Secretary of State or His or Her Employee to Permit Public Inspection of Documents; Removal, Destruction, or Alteration of Documents

§ 21-2-587. Frauds by Poll Officers

§ 21-2-588. Premature Counting of Votes by Poll Officer

§ 21-2-589. Willful Omissions by Poll Officers

§ 21-2-590. Poll Officer Permitting Unregistered or Unqualified Persons to Vote; Refusing to Permit Registered and Qualified Persons to Vote; Unlawful Rendering of Assistance

§ 21-2-591. Poll Officers Permitting Unlawful Assistance to Voters

§ 21-2-592. Failure of Poll Officers to Keep Record of Assisted Voters

§ 21-2-593. Failure of Law Enforcement Officers to Remove Obstacles or to Maintain Order at Polling Places; Hindrance or Delay of Poll Officers by Law Enforcement Officers

§ 21-2-594. Offenses by Printers of Ballots

§ 21-2-596. Failure of Public or Political Officer to Perform Duty

§ 21-2-597. Intentional Interference With Performance of Election Duties

§ 21-2-598. Violations of Chapter

§ 21-2-599. Punishment for Misdemeanors Under Chapter

§ 21-2-600. Punishment for Felonies Under Chapter

§ 21-2-601. Use of List of Electors for Commercial Purposes Prohibited

§ 21-2-602. Compensation for Soliciting Persons to Register to Vote Prohibited

§ 21-2-603. Conspiracy to Commit Election Fraud

§ 21-2-604. Criminal Solicitation to Commit Election Fraud; Penalties