Georgia Code
Part 4 - Optical Scanning Voting Systems
§ 21-2-375. Delivery of Equipment to Polling Places; Protection for Equipment; Required Accessories

History. Code 1981, § 21-2-375 , enacted by Ga. L. 1998, p. 1231, § 37; Ga. L. 1999, p. 29, § 1; Ga. L. 2019, p. 7, § 24/HB 316.
The 2019 amendment, effective April 2, 2019, substituted “ballot scanner” for “optical scanning tabulator” and “ballot scanners” for “optical scanning tabulators” throughout this Code section; in paragraph (c)(2), deleted “on the optical scanning ballot” following “directions for voting” near the beginning, inserted “and post within the enclosed space signs reminding electors to verify their ballot choices prior to inserting the scanning ballot into the ballot scanner and stating that sample ballots are available for review upon request” near the middle, and inserted “and additional sample ballots shall be available upon request” at the end; and substituted “ballot scanner” for “tabulator” near the end of paragraph (c)(3).
Law reviews.
For article on the 2019 amendment of this Code section, see 36 Ga. St. U.L. Rev. 81 (2019).