Georgia Code
Article 6 - Registration of Voters
§ 21-2-228. Examination of Electors’ Qualifications; Subpoenas; Notice and Hearing; Right of Appeal

History. Code 1981, § 21-2-228 , enacted by Ga. L. 1994, p. 1443, § 3; Ga. L. 1997, p. 590, § 24; Ga. L. 1998, p. 295, § 1.
Cross references.
Method of appeal from registration decisions, Ga. Const. 1983, Art. II, Sec. II, Para. I.

Structure Georgia Code

Georgia Code

Title 21 - Elections

Chapter 2 - Elections and Primaries Generally

Article 6 - Registration of Voters

§ 21-2-210. Secretary of State Deemed the Chief State Election Official

§ 21-2-211. List of Registered Electors; Provision of Equipment to Access and Utilize List

§ 21-2-212. County Registrars; Appointment; Certification; Term of Service; Vacancies; Compensation and Expenses of Chief Registrar, Registrars, and Other Officers and Employees; Budget Estimates

§ 21-2-213. County Deputy Registrars; Clerical Help; Appointment of County Officer or Employee as Chief Deputy Registrar

§ 21-2-213.1. Monthly Contingent Expense Allowance for the Operation of the Office of the Board of Registrars

§ 21-2-214. Qualifications of Registrars and Deputy Registrars; Prohibited Political Activities; Oath of Office; Privilege From Arrest; Duties Conducted in Public

§ 21-2-215. Main Office of Board of Registrars; Location; Business Hours; Additional Registration Places; Educators to Serve as Deputy Registrars; Training; Registration Cards and Papers

§ 21-2-216. Qualifications of Electors Generally; Reregistration of Electors Purged From List; Eligibility of Nonresidents Who Vote in Presidential Elections; Retention of Qualification for Standing as Elector; Evidence of Citizenship; Check of Convi...

§ 21-2-217. Rules for Determining Residence

§ 21-2-218. Cancellation of Registration in Former State or County; Address Changes and Corrections

§ 21-2-219. Registration Cards; Form; Registration by Members of Armed Forces or Merchant Marine and Permanent Overseas Citizen; Secretary of State to Provide Information Regarding Registration and Absentee Ballot Procedures; Reports Regarding Absent...

§ 21-2-220. Application for Registration; Identification Requirement; Rejection for Failure to Provide Required Information or for Submission of False Information; Aid to Disabled or Illiterate

§ 21-2-220.1. Required Documentation for Voter Registration

§ 21-2-221. Driver’s License or Identification Card Application as Application for Voter Registration; Forms and Procedure; Electronic Transmission of Applications and Signatures

§ 21-2-221.1. Voter Registration Incorporated Into Resident Hunting, Fishing, or Trapping License; Design of Forms; Record Keeping; Opting Out by Businesses Selling Alcohol for On-Premises Consumption

§ 21-2-221.2. Voter Registration Application for Electronic Voter Registration

§ 21-2-222. Designated Voter Registration Agencies and Offices; Definitions; Duties of Agencies and Offices

§ 21-2-223. Mail Voter Registration Application Forms

§ 21-2-224. Registration Deadlines; Restrictions on Voting in Primaries; Official List of Electors; Voting Procedure When Portion of County Changed From One County to Another

§ 21-2-225. Confidentiality of Original Registration Applications; Limitations on Registration Data Available for Public Inspection; Data Made Available by Secretary of State; Membership in Nongovernmental Entity for Purpose of Sharing and Exchanging...

§ 21-2-225.1. Confidentiality of Address of Registered Electors; Term of Request; Procedure

§ 21-2-226. Duties of County Board in Determining Eligibility of Voters; Maps of Municipal Boundaries; Notice of Ineligibility; Issuance of Registration Cards; Reimbursement for Postage Cost

§ 21-2-227. Duty of Registrars to Furnish List of Electors for Elections Held in Governmental Subdivisions

§ 21-2-228. Examination of Electors’ Qualifications; Subpoenas; Notice and Hearing; Right of Appeal

§ 21-2-229. Challenge of Applicant for Registration by Other Electors; Notice and Hearing; Right of Appeal; Sanctions for Board’s Noncompliance

§ 21-2-230. Challenge of Persons on List of Electors by Other Electors; Procedure; Hearing; Right of Appeal

§ 21-2-231. Lists of Persons Convicted of Felonies, Noncitizens, Mentally Incompetent, and Deceased Persons Provided to Secretary of State and Council of Superior Court Clerks; Removal of Names From List of Electors; Obtain Information About Deceased...

§ 21-2-232. Removal of Elector’s Name From List of Electors

§ 21-2-233. Comparison of Change of Address Information Supplied by United States Postal Service With Electors List; Removal From List of Electors; Notice to Electors

§ 21-2-234. Electors Who Have Failed to Vote and With Whom There Has Been No Contact in Three Years; Confirmation Notice Requirements and Procedure; Time for Completion of List Maintenance Activities

§ 21-2-235. Inactive List of Electors

§ 21-2-236. Periods of Retention of Registration Cards, Applications, and Records of List Maintenance Activities; Rules and Regulations Regarding Safekeeping and Maintenance of Electronic Records