Georgia Code
Article 8 - Eugene Talmadge Memorial Hospital
§ 20-3-520. Construction and Operation Authorized; Separate Appropriations

The board of regents in the exercise of its public and governmental functions shall have power and is authorized to lease, buy, build, construct, establish, contract for the use of, maintain, and operate a general nonprofit teaching hospital at Augusta, Georgia, known as the Eugene Talmadge Memorial Hospital, to be operated in conjunction with the Georgia Health Sciences University for the benefit of indigent, near indigent, and paying patients, under such rules and regulations as to administration, maintenance, charges for services, and general operations as may be prescribed by the board not in conflict with general laws of this state pertaining to fiscal operations of departments and agencies of the state. The General Assembly may, as a part of the general appropriations Act, make specific appropriations for the operation and maintenance of the hospital and any annex or addition thereto independent of and in addition to any appropriation made for the university system or any of its divisions.
History. Ga. L. 1945, p. 453, § 1; Ga. L. 1953, Nov.-Dec. Sess., p. 117, § 1; Ga. L. 2011, p. 752, § 20/HB 142.
Cross references.
Construction and regulation of hospitals generally, T. 31, C. 7.
Law reviews.
For article, “Privatization of Rural Public Hospitals: Implications for Access and Indigent Care,” see 47 Mercer L. Rev. 991 (1996).
For note, “Bearing Hospital Tax Breaks: How Nonprofits Benefit From Your Surprise Medical Bills,” see 35 Ga. St. U.L. Rev. 809 (2019).