Georgia Code
Part 1 - Board of Regents
§ 20-3-36. Applicability of Sovereign Immunity Doctrine

The applicability of the doctrine of sovereign immunity to the board of regents is reaffirmed, except to the extent that the General Assembly may expressly provide.
History. Ga. L. 1976, p. 452, § 1.
Cross references.
Waiver of sovereign immunity in nuclear facility liability insurance, § 20-3-71 .
Waiver of sovereign immunity in actions for breach of written contracts entered into by the state, its departments, and others, § 50-21-1 .
Editor’s notes.
Ga. L. 1976, p. 452, § 2, not codified by the General Assembly, provides: “That part of section 3 of an Act providing for the establishment of a public seat of learning in Georgia and creating ‘the Trustees of the University of Georgia,’ approved January 27, 1785 (Ga. L. 1785, pp. 560, 561, Sec. 3; Cobb’s Digest, pp. 1082, 1084, Sec. III), which provides that the said trustees ‘shall and may be a person in law, capable to plead and be impleaded, defend and be defended, answer and be answered unto,’ as amended, is hereby repealed in its entirety.”
Law reviews.
For survey article on torts, see 34 Mercer L. Rev. 271 (1982).
For comment, “Keeping the Arms in Touch: Taking Political Accountability Seriously in the Eleventh Amendment Arm of the State Doctrine,” see 64 Emory L.J. 819 (2015).

Structure Georgia Code

Georgia Code

Title 20 - Education

Chapter 3 - Postsecondary Education

Article 2 - Board of Regents and University System

Part 1 - Board of Regents

§ 20-3-20. Creation; Change of Name of “Trustees of the University of georgia.”

§ 20-3-21. Composition; Powers and Duties Generally

§ 20-3-22. Terms of Office

§ 20-3-23. Vacancies

§ 20-3-24. Chairman

§ 20-3-25. Appointment of Secretary; Duties; Bond

§ 20-3-26. Duty of Members to Attend Meetings; Vacation of Office for Unexcused Absences

§ 20-3-27. Inspections of Institutions by Committees; Reports

§ 20-3-28. Per Diem Allowances and Travel Expenses of Members

§ 20-3-29. Separate Appropriation for Expense

§ 20-3-30. Procedural Rules and Regulations; Terms of Officers; Powers and Duties of Former Boards Transferred

§ 20-3-31. General Powers

§ 20-3-31.1. Powers as to Program for Senior Citizens to Attend Classes in University System of Georgia; Continuation

§ 20-3-32. Powers as to Institutions, Departments, Courses, and Degrees of University System

§ 20-3-33. Investment of Trust Funds in Real Estate or Improvements

§ 20-3-34. Fiscal Year

§ 20-3-35. Annual Reports to Governor

§ 20-3-36. Applicability of Sovereign Immunity Doctrine

§ 20-3-37. Contracts With Hospitals for Clinics and Training Medical Students

§ 20-3-38. Agricultural Extension Work

§ 20-3-39. Reassignment of Responsibilities for Operation and Management of Public Libraries; Employees; Transfer of Funding; Rules and Regulations

§ 20-3-40. Georgia Capitol Museum