Georgia Code
Subpart 1 - General Provisions
§ 20-3-328. Operations Reports by Authority

The authority is authorized to publish in print or electronically annually, or at more or less frequent intervals determined by the board of directors, an operations report covering the activities of the authority, including, without limitation, a reporting of revenues and expenditures of the authority and a statement of the financial condition of the authority, and to furnish copies of such report to the Governor and members of the General Assembly and to other public and private persons and agencies as it may deem appropriate. The authority is further authorized to prepare and publish in print or electronically such other reports as may be required pursuant to Subpart 2 of this part.
History. Code 1933, § 32-3724, enacted by Ga. L. 1980, p. 835, § 3; Ga. L. 2010, p. 838, § 10/SB 388.

Structure Georgia Code

Georgia Code

Title 20 - Education

Chapter 3 - Postsecondary Education

Article 7 - Scholarships, Loans, and Grants

Part 3 - Georgia Student Finance Authority

Subpart 1 - General Provisions

§ 20-3-310. Short Title

§ 20-3-311. Legislative Findings; Purposes of Authority

§ 20-3-312. Definitions

§ 20-3-313. Authority Created as Successor to Georgia Higher Education Assistance Authority

§ 20-3-314. Functions, Composition, Organization, and Conduct of Affairs of Board of Directors

§ 20-3-315. Authority Officers and Employees; Bonds

§ 20-3-316. Powers and Duties of Authority; Employees’ Functions; Servicing of Educational Loans; Registration With Selective Service System; Conflicts With Federal or Other State Law; Confidentiality

§ 20-3-316.1. Selection on Tax Form of Nonprofit Corporations Established by the Georgia Student Finance Authority for Contribution

§ 20-3-316.2. Voluntary Donations Through State Income Tax Returns and Drivers’ Licenses Fees Benefiting Children of Certain Public Servants Seeking Postsecondary Education

§ 20-3-317. Accounting System; Use of Funds; Payments to Commission

§ 20-3-318. Authority Administration Fund

§ 20-3-319. Temporary Transfer of Authority State Funds to Corporation to Accelerate Federal Payments

§ 20-3-320. Audits of Authority; Distribution of Audit Reports

§ 20-3-321. School Audits; Program Reviews; Corrective Actions

§ 20-3-322. Contributions Deductible for Tax Purposes

§ 20-3-323. Conflicts of Interest Involving Directors, Officers, or Employees of Authority

§ 20-3-324. Authority Assigned to Commission

§ 20-3-325. Dissolution of Authority

§ 20-3-326. Venue of Proceedings Against Authority

§ 20-3-327. General Banking Business by Authority Prohibited

§ 20-3-328. Operations Reports by Authority

§ 20-3-329. Employees of Commission Transferred to Authority; Status of Authority Employees Hired After July 1, 1996; Status of Transferred Employees; Benefits of Transferred Employees Not Impaired