Georgia Code
Part 2 - Georgia Higher Education Assistance Corporation
§ 20-3-274. Loan Discount Payments to Lenders

In order to provide an additional incentive to lenders to broaden their participation in the program and better to assure lenders of receiving a competitive yield on educational loans made under this part, the corporation is authorized to pay to lenders, other than lenders who are schools, a loan discount fee to offset partially initial costs incurred by lenders in interviewing borrowers and in processing borrower applications for loan guaranty. The loan discount payment authorized by this Code section shall be equal to a percentage of the amount of guaranteed loan principal disbursed to a borrower, to be determined and fixed by the corporation; provided, however, that the amount of the loan discount payment shall not exceed 2 percent of the amount of guaranteed loan principal disbursed to the borrower; and provided, further, that the corporation shall not make a commitment to lenders to make loan discount payments under this Code section unless the state has appropriated funds for use by the corporation for the purposes of this Code section and that such appropriated funds plus funds then in and projected to become available to the corporation’s state interest subsidy and loan discount fund are deemed to be sufficient to enable the corporation to meet its state interest subsidy and loan discount payment obligations to become due and payable during the period of any fiscal year for which the General Assembly has already enacted an appropriations Act.
History. Code 1933, § 32-3315, enacted by Ga. L. 1980, p. 835, § 2; Ga. L. 1981, p. 735, § 23.

Structure Georgia Code

Georgia Code

Title 20 - Education

Chapter 3 - Postsecondary Education

Article 7 - Scholarships, Loans, and Grants

Part 2 - Georgia Higher Education Assistance Corporation

§ 20-3-260. Short Title; Name of Program

§ 20-3-261. Legislative Findings; Purpose of Corporation

§ 20-3-262. Definitions

§ 20-3-263. Corporation Created as Successor to Former Georgia Higher Education Assistance Corporation

§ 20-3-264. Functions and Composition of Board of Directors; Organization and Conduct of Affairs

§ 20-3-265. Corporation Officers and Employees; Bonds

§ 20-3-266. Powers and Duties of the Corporation; Conflicts With Federal or State Law; Confidentiality

§ 20-3-267. Accounting System; Use of Funds; Payments to Commission

§ 20-3-268. Annual Audits of Corporation; Distribution of Audit Reports

§ 20-3-269. Loan Guaranties Not State Debt; Directors and Officers Not Personally Liable for Issuance of Guaranties

§ 20-3-270. Loan Guaranties Conditioned on Lenders’ and Holders’ Due Diligence

§ 20-3-271. Insurance Premiums or Guaranty Fees

§ 20-3-272. Submission of Lenders’ Billings and Reports to Secretary by Corporation; Use of State Funds to Accelerate Federal Payments

§ 20-3-273. State Interest Subsidy Payments for Student Borrowers

§ 20-3-274. Loan Discount Payments to Lenders

§ 20-3-275. Funds Maintained by Corporation

§ 20-3-276. School Rights Subject to Rules and Regulations

§ 20-3-277. Lender Rights Subject to Rules and Regulations

§ 20-3-279. Persons Forbidden to Engage in Business of Furnishing Educational Loan Information or Assistance

§ 20-3-280. Lender and School Audits; Program Reviews; Corrective Actions

§ 20-3-281. Sale, Pledge, or Assignment of Educational Loans

§ 20-3-282. Contracted Servicing of Loans

§ 20-3-283. Contributions Deductible for Income Tax Purposes

§ 20-3-284. Exemption of Corporation From Taxation

§ 20-3-285. Exemption of Lenders From Certain Taxation

§ 20-3-286. Conflicts of Interest Involving Directors, Officers, or Employees of Corporation

§ 20-3-287. Borrowers Deemed Capable Regardless of Age

§ 20-3-288. Proof of Residency in State

§ 20-3-289. Eligibility of Students in Default for Other State Student Assistance

§ 20-3-290. Corporation Assigned to Commission

§ 20-3-291. Termination and Dissolution of Corporation

§ 20-3-292. Venue of Proceedings Against Corporation

§ 20-3-293. General Banking or Insurance Business by Corporation Prohibited

§ 20-3-294. Operations Reports by Corporation

§ 20-3-295. Licensing Entities Prohibited From Refusing to Issue License or Suspending or Revoking License of Borrower in Default Under Certain Educational Loan Programs