Georgia Code
Article 5 - Georgia Education Authority (University)
§ 20-3-156. Signing, Sealing, and Attesting Bonds

In case any officer whose signature shall appear on any bonds or whose facsimile signature shall appear on any coupon shall cease to be such officer before the delivery of such bonds, such signature shall nevertheless be valid and sufficient for all purposes, the same as if he had remained in office until such delivery. All such bonds shall be signed by the chairman of the authority, and the official seal of the authority shall be affixed thereto and attested by the secretary of the authority; and any coupons attached thereto shall bear the signature or facsimile signature of the chairman of the authority. Any coupon may bear the facsimile signature of such person, and any bond may be signed, sealed, and attested on behalf of the authority by such persons as at the actual time of the execution of such bonds shall be duly authorized or hold the proper office, although at the date of such bonds such persons may not have been so authorized or shall not have held such office.
History. Ga. L. 1949, p. 1009, § 7.

Structure Georgia Code

Georgia Code

Title 20 - Education

Chapter 3 - Postsecondary Education

Article 5 - Georgia Education Authority (University)

§ 20-3-150. Short Title

§ 20-3-151. Definitions

§ 20-3-152. Creation; Members, Officers, and Staff; Quorum; Procedural Rules and Regulations; Assignment to Department of Administrative Services

§ 20-3-153. Powers of the Authority

§ 20-3-154. Authority to Issue Revenue Bonds; Terms

§ 20-3-155. Form of Bonds; Denominations; Place of Payment; Registration

§ 20-3-156. Signing, Sealing, and Attesting Bonds

§ 20-3-157. Bonds Negotiable; Exemption of Bonds From Taxation

§ 20-3-158. Manner of Sale and Price of Bonds; Assistance by Georgia Building Authority

§ 20-3-159. Use of Bond Proceeds; Additional Bonds

§ 20-3-160. Issuance of Interim Receipts or Certificates or Temporary Bonds

§ 20-3-161. Replacement of Mutilated, Destroyed, or Lost Bonds

§ 20-3-162. Compliance With Article Sufficient for Issuance of Bonds; Single Issue for One or More Projects; Adoption of Bond Resolution

§ 20-3-163. Credit of State Not Pledged

§ 20-3-164. Trust Indentures to Secure Bonds; Contents of Indentures or Bond Resolutions; Expenses of Carrying Out Indentures

§ 20-3-165. Trustee for Bond Proceeds

§ 20-3-166. Sinking Fund

§ 20-3-167. Remedies of Bondholders, Receivers, or Indenture Trustees

§ 20-3-168. Refunding Bonds

§ 20-3-169. Bonds Legal Investments or Security Deposits

§ 20-3-170. Tax Exemption of Authority’s Property, Activities, Charges, and Bonds

§ 20-3-171. Procedure for Validating Bonds

§ 20-3-172. Venue and Jurisdiction of Actions to Enforce Rights or Validate Bonds

§ 20-3-173. Interests of Bondholders Protected

§ 20-3-174. Acceptance of Grants and Contributions From Federal and Other Sources

§ 20-3-175. Moneys Received Deemed Trust Funds

§ 20-3-176. Fixing, Collecting, and Assigning Rentals and Charges for Use of Projects

§ 20-3-177. Rules and Regulations for Operation of Projects

§ 20-3-178. Accounts; Audits

§ 20-3-179. Power of Regents to Issue Revenue Bonds Not Affected

§ 20-3-180. Article Provides Additional Method and Powers

§ 20-3-181. Article to Be Liberally Construed