Georgia Code
Article 1 - General Provisions
§ 2-7-17. Treatment of Nuisance by Department Where Owner Fails to Act; Lien for Expenses; Compensation Not Allowed

Whenever an owner or other person cannot be found or fails, neglects, or refuses to obey the requirements of the notice given under Code Section 2-7-16 and the rules and regulations made pursuant to this article, such requirements shall be carried out by the inspectors or other employees or agents of the department. The Commissioner shall have and enforce a lien for the expense thereof against the place in or upon which such expense was incurred, in the same manner as liens are had and enforced upon buildings and lots, wharves, and piers, for labor and materials furnished by virtue of contract with the owner. No compensation shall be allowed for any trees or plants, plant products, or other things or substances that are destroyed.
History. Ga. L. 1937, p. 659, § 8.
Cross references.
Mechanics’ and materialmen’s liens generally, § 44-14-360 et seq.

Structure Georgia Code

Georgia Code

Title 2 - Agriculture

Chapter 7 - Plant Disease, Pest Control, and Pesticides

Article 1 - General Provisions

§ 2-7-1. Short Title

§ 2-7-2. Definitions

§ 2-7-3. Division of Entomology Established

§ 2-7-4. Commissioner of Agriculture as Ex Officio State Entomologist; Designation of Chief Entomologist Authorized

§ 2-7-5. Duty of Commissioner Generally

§ 2-7-6. Publication of Information and Advice

§ 2-7-7. Cooperative Agreements

§ 2-7-8. Purchases and Expenditures

§ 2-7-9. Investigations Authorized; Employment of Experts; Rental, Lease, or Purchase of Land

§ 2-7-10. Inspection of Plants and Other Things Capable of Disseminating or Carrying Plant Pests

§ 2-7-11. Nursery Inspections; Rules Governing Nursery Stock and Plants in Transit

§ 2-7-12. Treatment, Cutting, or Destruction of Infested Trees, Plants, or Other Things or Substances

§ 2-7-13. Interception and Inspection of Plants, Plant Products, or Other Things or Substances in Transit; Disposition

§ 2-7-14. Demand for Information; Penalty

§ 2-7-15. Declaration of Public Nuisance Authorized

§ 2-7-16. Notice of Declaration of Nuisance; Prescription of Treatment; Right of Appeal

§ 2-7-17. Treatment of Nuisance by Department Where Owner Fails to Act; Lien for Expenses; Compensation Not Allowed

§ 2-7-18. Judicial Proceeding Where Owner Refuses to Act or to Permit Commissioner to Act; Expenses and Court Costs

§ 2-7-19. Investigation on Citizens’ Complaint; Notice to Owner; Treatment or Destruction of Affected Plants or Other Things or Substances; Costs

§ 2-7-20. Declaration of Quarantine; Violation Unlawful

§ 2-7-21. Registration of Certain Growers

§ 2-7-22. Assessment of Costs

§ 2-7-23. Promulgation of Rules and Regulations; Publication Thereof

§ 2-7-24. Administrative Review of Rules and Notices

§ 2-7-25. Required Compliance With Article and Rules

§ 2-7-26. Importation of Injurious Insect or Plant Disease Without Permit Prohibited

§ 2-7-27. Report of Violations; Investigation and Disposition

§ 2-7-28. Act of Agent Imputed to Principal

§ 2-7-29. Enforcement of Article Generally; Criminal Proceedings; Subpoena Powers

§ 2-7-30. Injunctions; Violations Declared Public Nuisances

§ 2-7-31. Penalty