Georgia Code
Article 2 - Soil and Water Conservation Districts
§ 2-6-36. Land Use Regulations — Referendum

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“[ ] YES Shall the proposed land use regulations for conser- [ ] NO vation of soil and prevention of erosion be approved?” shall appear, with directions that all persons desiring to vote for approval of the regulations shall vote “Yes” and all persons desiring to vote against the regulations shall vote “No.”
History. Ga. L. 1937, p. 377, § 9; Ga. L. 1988, p. 269, § 13.
Code Commission notes.
Pursuant to Code Section 28-9-5, in 1988, the comma after “ ‘erosion be approved?’ ” in subsection (b) was deleted.

Structure Georgia Code

Georgia Code

Title 2 - Agriculture

Chapter 6 - Soil and Water Conservation

Article 2 - Soil and Water Conservation Districts

§ 2-6-20. Short Title

§ 2-6-21. Legislative Determinations and Declarations of Policy

§ 2-6-22. Definitions

§ 2-6-23. State Soil and Water Conservation Commission — Established; Composition; Terms of Office; Ex Officio Advisers; Seal; Rules and Regulations

§ 2-6-24. State Soil and Water Conservation Commission — Chairperson; Quorum; Compensation; Surety Bonds; Records; Audits

§ 2-6-25. State Soil and Water Conservation Commission — Employment of Administrative Officer, Experts, Agents, and Employees; Legal Services; Delegation of Powers and Duties; Furnishing of Information; Agency Cooperation

§ 2-6-26. State Soil and Water Conservation Commission — Merit and Retirement Systems for Employees

§ 2-6-27. State Soil and Water Conservation Commission — Additional Duties and Powers

§ 2-6-28. Number and Boundaries of Soil and Water Conservation Districts; Alteration of Existing Districts or Formation of New Districts

§ 2-6-29. District Supervisors — Number; Appointment, Qualifications, and Terms of Appointive Supervisors; County Basis of Election of Elected Supervisors

§ 2-6-30. District Supervisors — Election Procedure for Elected Supervisors

§ 2-6-31. District Supervisors — Chairman; Terms of Office of Elected Supervisors; Filling Vacancies; Quorum; Compensation and Expenses

§ 2-6-32. District Supervisors — Services of County Agricultural Agents; Employees and Agents; Copies of Rules, Orders, and Other Documents; Surety Bonds; Removal of Supervisor; Consultation

§ 2-6-33. Powers of Districts and Supervisors; Prerequisites to Exercise

§ 2-6-34. Conditions to Extending Benefits or Performing Work

§ 2-6-35. Land Use Regulations — Adoption Authorized; Public Hearings

§ 2-6-36. Land Use Regulations — Referendum

§ 2-6-37. Land Use Regulations — Provisions Authorized; Uniformity Required; Availability of Copies

§ 2-6-38. Land Use Regulations — Binding Effect

§ 2-6-39. Land Use Regulations — Inspections to Determine Observance; Petition; Judicial Proceedings; Costs and Expenses

§ 2-6-40. Land Use Regulations — Amendment or Repeal

§ 2-6-41. Right of Eminent Domain for Small Watershed Project; Conditions Precedent; Procedure

§ 2-6-42. Cooperation Between Districts

§ 2-6-43. State Agencies to Cooperate With Districts and Observe Land Use Regulations

§ 2-6-44. Exemption From Taxation

§ 2-6-45. Discontinuance of District — Petition of Landowners; Hearings

§ 2-6-46. Discontinuance of District — Referendum

§ 2-6-47. Discontinuance of District — Publication of Referendum Results; Determination of Feasibility of Continuance

§ 2-6-48. Discontinuance of District — Certification From Committee; Termination of Affairs; Application for Dissolution; Certificate of Dissolution

§ 2-6-49. Discontinuance of District — Effect of Dissolution

§ 2-6-50. Discontinuance of District — Frequency of Discontinuance Attempts

§ 2-6-51. District Not Liable for Loss, Damage, Injury, or Death

§ 2-6-52. Creation of Agricultural Water Conservation Incentive Program; Purpose; Participation; Funding