Georgia Code
Article 2 - Continuances
§ 17-8-35. Effect of Continuance by Defendant Upon Trial of Codefendants

The continuance of a case by one of several defendants indicted jointly shall not operate as a continuance as to the other defendants objecting thereto.
History. Ga. L. 1858, p. 99, § 2; Code 1863, § 4575; Code 1868, § 4596; Code 1873, § 4693; Code 1882, § 4693; Penal Code 1895, § 967; Penal Code 1910, § 993; Code 1933, § 27-2004.

Structure Georgia Code

Georgia Code

Title 17 - Criminal Procedure

Chapter 8 - Trial

Article 2 - Continuances

§ 17-8-20. Showing of Due Diligence Required of Applicants for Continuances Generally

§ 17-8-21. When Showing for Continuance Required of State

§ 17-8-22. Consideration of Motion for Continuance by Court Generally; Allowance of Counter-Showing to Motion

§ 17-8-23. Absence of Party as Grounds for Granting Continuance

§ 17-8-24. Absence or Illness of Counsel as Grounds for Granting Continuance

§ 17-8-25. Absence of Witness as Grounds for Granting Continuance

§ 17-8-26. Party or Party’s Attorney in Attendance at General Assembly as Grounds for Granting Continuance

§ 17-8-27. Attorney General in Attendance at General Assembly as Grounds for Granting Continuance

§ 17-8-28. Witness in Attendance at General Assembly as Grounds for Granting Continuance

§ 17-8-29. Party or Party’s Counsel in Attendance at Meeting of Board of Regents of the University System of Georgia as Grounds for Granting Continuance

§ 17-8-30. Party or Party’s Counsel in Attendance at Meeting of Board of Human Services or Board of Behavioral Health and Developmental Disabilities as Grounds for Granting Continuance

§ 17-8-31. Party, Leading Attorney, or Material Witness in Attendance on Active Duty as Member of National Guard or Component of Armed Forces of the United States as Grounds for Granting Continuance; Setting Bail in Certain Cases

§ 17-8-32. Effect of Admission by Opposing Party of Facts to Be Proved Upon Allowance of Continuance

§ 17-8-33. Granting of Continuances Where Indictment Found or Accusation Made; Continuance Where Material Witness Unavailable; Continuances Required by Principles of Justice; Granting of Continuance Where Postponement Possible to Later Date in Term

§ 17-8-34. Granting of Continuances in Cases Returned by Appellate Court for Trial

§ 17-8-35. Effect of Continuance by Defendant Upon Trial of Codefendants

§ 17-8-36. Entry of Date of Continuance Upon Docket of Court; Announcement of Continuance in Open Court

§ 17-8-37. Duration of Continuance

§ 17-8-38. Case Not Reached at Trial Term Continued