Georgia Code
Article 2 - Offenses Against Public Order
§ 16-11-43.1. Promoting or Organizing Drag Races or Laying Drags Exhibitions

Any person who knowingly promotes or organizes an exhibition of illegal drag racing, in violation of Code Section 40-6-186, or of laying drags, in violation of Code Section 40-6-251, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor of a high and aggravated nature.
History. Code 1981, § 16-11-43.1 , enacted by Ga. L. 2021, p. 228, § 1/HB 534.
Effective date. —
This Code section became effective May 3, 2021. See Editor’s notes for applicability.
Editor’s notes.
Ga. L. 2021, p. 228, § 11/HB 534, not codified by the General Assembly, provides that: “This Act shall become effective upon its approval by the Governor or upon its becoming law without such approval and shall apply to all offenses committed on and after such date.” This Act was approved by the Governor on May 3, 2021.

Structure Georgia Code

Georgia Code

Title 16 - Crimes and Offenses

Chapter 11 - Offenses Against Public Order and Safety

Article 2 - Offenses Against Public Order

§ 16-11-30. Riot

§ 16-11-31. Inciting to Riot

§ 16-11-32. Affray

§ 16-11-33. Unlawful Assembly

§ 16-11-34. Preventing or Disrupting Lawful Meetings, Gatherings, or Processions

§ 16-11-34.1. Preventing or Disrupting General Assembly Sessions or Other Meetings of Members; Unlawful Activities Within the State Capitol or Certain Capitol Square Buildings

§ 16-11-34.2. Disorderly or Disruptive Conduct at Any Funeral or Memorial Service

§ 16-11-35. Removal From Campus or Facility of Unit of University System or School; Failure to Leave

§ 16-11-36. Loitering or Prowling

§ 16-11-37. Terroristic Threats and Acts

§ 16-11-37.1. Dissemination of Information Relating to Terroristic Acts

§ 16-11-38. Wearing Mask, Hood, or Device Which Conceals Identity of Wearer

§ 16-11-39. Disorderly Conduct

§ 16-11-39.1. Harassing Communications; Venue; Separate Offenses; Impact on Free Speech

§ 16-11-39.2. Unlawful Conduct During 9-1-1 Call

§ 16-11-40. Unlawful Use of Emergency Exit Door

§ 16-11-40.1. Definitions; Identification of Minors; Criminal Offense

§ 16-11-41. Public Drunkenness

§ 16-11-42. Refusal to Relinquish Telephone Party Line in Case of Emergency; False Request on Party Line as to Emergency; Warning Printed in Telephone Books

§ 16-11-43. Obstructing Highways, Streets, Sidewalks, or Other Public Passages

§ 16-11-43.1. Promoting or Organizing Drag Races or Laying Drags Exhibitions

§ 16-11-44. Maintaining a Disorderly House

§ 16-11-45. Use of Laser Against Aircraft