Georgia Code
Part 2 - Meetings and Action of the Board
§ 14-2-825. Committees

History. Code 1981, § 14-2-825 , enacted by Ga. L. 1988, p. 1070, § 1; Ga. L. 2000, p. 1567, § 7; Ga. L. 2016, p. 225, § 1-5/SB 128.
The 2016 amendment, effective July 1, 2016, in subsection (a), in the first sentence, inserted “this chapter,”, added a comma following “incorporation”, inserted “the” preceding “bylaws”, and substituted “any such committee” for “them”; substituted the present provisions of subsection (b) for the former provisions, which read: “Code Sections 14-2-820 through 14-2-824, which govern meetings, action without meetings, notice and waiver of notice, and quorum and voting requirements of the board of directors, apply to committees and their members as well.”; substituted “powers” for “authority” in subsection (c); inserted “, subject to subsection (f) of this Code section,” in paragraph (d)(2); in paragraph (d)(3), substituted “authorized by action of the board” for “authorized in a resolution or resolutions adopted by the board”, and added “or” at the end; substituted a period for “; or” at the end of paragraph (d)(4); deleted former paragraph (d)(5), which read: “Approve a plan of merger not requiring shareholder approval.”; and added subsection (f).
Law reviews.
For note on 2000 amendment of O.C.G.A. § 14-2-825 , see 17 Ga. St. U.L. Rev. 46 (2000).