Georgia Code
Article 6 - Events of Dissociation, Withdrawal, and Dissolution
§ 14-11-609. Manner of Publication of Request for Claims

A limited liability company seeking to publish a request for claims described in Code Section 14-11-608 shall mail or deliver to the publisher of a newspaper that is the official organ of the county where the registered office of the limited liability company is located, or that is a newspaper of general circulation published within such county whose most recently published annual statement of ownership and circulation reflects a minimum of 60 percent paid circulation, a request to publish the request for claims. The request for publication of the request for claims shall be accompanied by a check, draft, or money order in the amount of $40.00 in payment of the cost of publication. The notice shall be published once a week for two consecutive weeks commencing within ten days after receipt of the notice by the newspaper.
History. Code 1981, § 14-11-609 , enacted by Ga. L. 1993, p. 123, § 1.