Georgia Code
Article 3 - Agency; Management; Duties; Liability
§ 14-11-314. Professional Relationships

This chapter does not alter any law applicable to the relationship between a person rendering professional services and a person receiving those services, including liability arising out of those professional services. This chapter does not alter any law with respect to disregarding legal entities. The failure of a limited liability company to observe formalities relating to the exercise of its powers or the management of its business and affairs is not a ground for imposing personal liability on a member, manager, agent, or employee of the limited liability company for liabilities of the limited liability company.
History. Code 1981, § 14-11-314 , enacted by Ga. L. 1993, p. 123, § 1.
Law reviews.
For annual survey on business associations, see 66 Mercer L. Rev. 15 (2014).