Georgia Code
Article 2 - Control of Water Pollution and Surface-Water Use
§ 12-5-53. Criminal Penalty

History. Ga. L. 1964, p. 416, § 22; Ga. L. 1974, p. 599, § 14; Ga. L. 1986, p. 350, § 5.

Structure Georgia Code

Georgia Code

Title 12 - Conservation and Natural Resources

Chapter 5 - Water Resources

Article 2 - Control of Water Pollution and Surface-Water Use

§ 12-5-20. Short Title

§ 12-5-21. Declaration of Policy; Legislative Intent

§ 12-5-22. Definitions

§ 12-5-23. Powers and Duties of Board and Director as to Control of Water Pollution and Surface-Water Use Generally

§ 12-5-23.1. Water Quality Standards for Lakes; Monitoring; Studies and Reports; Development, Approval, and Publication of Water Quality Standards

§ 12-5-23.2. Waste-Water Discharge Limitations; Schedule of Construction Milestones; Penalties

§ 12-5-23.3. Privatization of Waste-Water Treatment Facilities

§ 12-5-24. Power of Director to Enter Into Contracts and Compacts Regarding Surface-Water Management

§ 12-5-25. Investigations by Division; Institution of Proceedings by Division

§ 12-5-26. Entry on Premises to Investigate and Inspect Conditions and Operating Records; Protection of Trade Secrets and Confidential Information

§ 12-5-27. Authority to Require Owner or Operator of Facility to Cooperate With Division

§ 12-5-27.1. Sale or Use of Cleaning Agents Containing Phosphorus

§ 12-5-28. Annual Reports by Division

§ 12-5-29. Sewage and Waste Disposal; Withdrawal, Diversion, or Impoundment of Surface Waters; Certificates Required for Vessels With Marine Toilets; Conditions for Transfer of Surface Water From One River Basin to Another

§ 12-5-29.1. Combined Sewer Overflow; Plans for Elimination or Treatment of Sewage Overflow; Penalties

§ 12-5-30. Permits for Construction, Modification, or Operation of Facilities Which Discharge Pollutants Into Waters; Permits for Discharge of Dredged or Fill Material Into Waters and Wetlands; Participation in National Pollution Discharge Eliminatio...

§ 12-5-30.1. Major Spills by Publicly Owned Treatment Works

§ 12-5-30.2. Combined Sewer Overflow Systems

§ 12-5-30.3. Sludge Land Application Systems

§ 12-5-30.4. Establishment of Water Emergency Response Procedures

§ 12-5-31. Regulated Riparian Rights to Surface Waters for General or Farm Use; Permits for Withdrawal, Diversion, or Impoundment; Coordination With Water Plans; Metering of Farm Use; Interbasin Transfers; Appeal Procedures

§ 12-5-31.1. Applications, Permits, and Variances for Public Water Supply Reservoirs

§ 12-5-32. Aid to Pollution Control and Surface-Water Management — Powers of Division With Respect to Federal Acts; Receipt and Expenditure of Federal and State Appropriations

§ 12-5-33. Aid to Pollution Control and Surface-Water Management — Grants to Counties, Municipalities, or Other Public Authority for Water Pollution Control Projects

§ 12-5-34. Aid to Pollution Control and Surface-Water Management — Amount of State Grant

§ 12-5-35. Aid to Pollution Control and Surface-Water Management — Administration of Grants by Division

§ 12-5-36. Aid to Pollution Control and Surface-Water Management — Consistency With Federal Acts

§ 12-5-37. Aid to Pollution Control and Surface-Water Management — Intent of Article With Regard to State Contributions

§ 12-5-38. Aid to Pollution Control and Surface-Water Management — Management by Division of Federal Construction Grants Program

§ 12-5-38.1. Administration of Funds; Water Pollution Control and Drinking Water Revolving Funds

§ 12-5-39. Aid to Pollution Control and Surface-Water Management — Area-Wide Waste Treatment Management

§ 12-5-40. Aid to Pollution Control and Surface-Water Management — Adoption of Rules and Regulations Regarding Application for State Grants

§ 12-5-42. Cooperative Efforts for Abatement of Pollution; Order by Director; Request for Hearing; Allowance of Reasonable Time for Abatement

§ 12-5-43. Administrative Hearings

§ 12-5-44. Judicial Review

§ 12-5-45. Judgment in Accordance With Division’s Order

§ 12-5-46. Effect of Article on Rights of Action

§ 12-5-47. Emergency Orders; Hearing

§ 12-5-48. Injunctive Relief

§ 12-5-49. Representation of Division and Its Agents by Attorney General and His Staff

§ 12-5-50. Intent of Article as to Conflicts With Federal Laws and as to Eligibility of Division or Departments of State Government for Federal Funds; Remedial Action

§ 12-5-51. Civil Liability

§ 12-5-52. Civil Penalty

§ 12-5-53. Criminal Penalty