Georgia Code
Subpart 1 - Default and Enforcement of Security Interest
§ 11-9-610. Disposition of Collateral After Default

History. Code 1981, § 11-9-610 , enacted by Ga. L. 2001, p. 362, § 1.
Cross references.
Additional provisions regarding disposition of goods repossessed after default, § 10-1-10 .
Law reviews.
For note discussing repossession and foreclosure as creditor’s remedies under the Uniform Commercial Code, see 3 Ga. L. Rev. 198 (1968).
For article, “The Revisions to Article IX of the Uniform Commercial Code,” see 15 Ga. St. B.J. 120 (1977).
For article surveying developments in Georgia commercial law from mid-1980 through mid-1981, see 33 Mercer L. Rev. 33 (1981).
For comment on a secured party’s burden of proof in seeking a deficiency judgment after resale of collateral, see 33 Mercer L. Rev. 397 (1981).
For article, “Nonjudicial Foreclosures in Georgia: Fresh Doubts, Issues and Strategies,” see 23 Ga. St. B.J. 123 (1987).
For annual survey of commercial law, see 43 Mercer L. Rev. 119 (1991).

Structure Georgia Code

Georgia Code

Title 11 - Commercial Code

Article 9 - Secured Transactions

Part 6 - Default

Subpart 1 - Default and Enforcement of Security Interest

§ 11-9-601. Rights After Default; Judicial Enforcement; Consignor or Buyer of Accounts, Chattel Paper, Payment Intangibles, or Promissory Notes

§ 11-9-602. Waiver and Variance of Rights and Duties

§ 11-9-603. Agreement on Standards Concerning Rights and Duties

§ 11-9-604. Procedure if Security Agreement Covers Real Property or Fixtures

§ 11-9-605. Unknown Debtor or Secondary Obligor

§ 11-9-606. Time of Default for Agricultural Lien

§ 11-9-607. Collection and Enforcement by Secured Party

§ 11-9-608. Application of Proceeds of Collection or Enforcement; Liability for Deficiency and Right to Surplus

§ 11-9-609. Secured Party’s Right to Take Possession After Default

§ 11-9-610. Disposition of Collateral After Default

§ 11-9-611. Notification Before Disposition of Collateral

§ 11-9-612. Timeliness of Notification Before Disposition of Collateral

§ 11-9-613. Contents and Form of Notification Before Disposition of Collateral; General

§ 11-9-614. Contents and Form of Notification Before Disposition of Collateral; Consumer Goods Transaction

§ 11-9-615. Application of Proceeds of Disposition; Liability for Deficiency and Right to Surplus

§ 11-9-616. Explanation of Calculation of Surplus or Deficiency

§ 11-9-617. Rights of Transferee of Collateral

§ 11-9-618. Rights and Duties of Certain Secondary Obligors

§ 11-9-619. Transfer of Record or Legal Title

§ 11-9-620. Acceptance of Collateral in Full or Partial Satisfaction of Obligation; Compulsory Disposition of Collateral

§ 11-9-621. Notification of Proposal to Accept Collateral

§ 11-9-622. Effect of Acceptance of Collateral

§ 11-9-623. Right to Redeem Collateral

§ 11-9-624. Waiver