Georgia Code
Part 1 - General Provisions and Definitions
§ 11-3-103. Definitions

Acceptance.” Code Section 11-3-409.
“Accommodated party.” Code Section 11-3-419.
“Accommodation party.” Code Section 11-3-419.
“Alteration.” Code Section 11-3-407.
“Anomalous indorsement.” Code Section 11-3-205.
“Blank indorsement.” Code Section 11-3-205.
“Cashier’s check.” Code Section 11-3-104.
“Certificate of deposit.” Code Section 11-3-104.
“Certified check.” Code Section 11-3-409.
“Check.” Code Section 11-3-104.
“Consideration.” Code Section 11-3-303.
“Draft.” Code Section 11-3-104.
“Holder in due course.” Code Section 11-3-302.
“Incomplete instrument.” Code Section 11-3-115.
“Indorsement.” Code Section 11-3-204.
“Indorser.” Code Section 11-3-204.
“Instrument.” Code Section 11-3-104.
“Issue.” Code Section 11-3-105.
“Issuer.” Code Section 11-3-105.
“Negotiable instrument.” Code Section 11-3-104.
“Negotiation.” Code Section 11-3-201.
“Note.” Code Section 11-3-104.
“Payable at a definite time.” Code Section 11-3-108.
“Payable on demand.” Code Section 11-3-108.
“Payable to bearer.” Code Section 11-3-109.
“Payable to order.” Code Section 11-3-109.
“Payment.” Code Section 11-3-602.
“Person entitled to enforce.” Code Section 11-3-301.
“Presentment.” Code Section 11-3-501.
“Reacquisition.” Code Section 11-3-207.
“Special indorsement.” Code Section 11-3-205.
“Teller’s check.” Code Section 11-3-104.
“Transfer of instrument.” Code Section 11-3-203.
“Traveler’s check.” Code Section 11-3-104.
“Value.” Code Section 11-3-303.
“Bank.” Code Section 11-4-105.
“Banking day.” Code Section 11-4-104.
“Clearing house.” Code Section 11-4-104.
“Collecting bank.” Code Section 11-4-105.
“Depositary bank.” Code Section 11-4-105.
“Documentary draft.” Code Section 11-4-104.
“Intermediary bank.” Code Section 11-4-105.
“Item.” Code Section 11-4-104.
“Payor bank.” Code Section 11-4-105.
“Suspends payments.” Code Section 11-4-104.
History. Code 1981, § 11-3-103 , enacted by Ga. L. 1996, p. 1306, § 3; Ga. L. 2015, p. 996, § 3B-11/SB 65.
Editor’s notes.
Ga. L. 2015, p. 996, § 1-1/SB 65, not codified by the General Assembly, provides: “(a) This Act shall be known and may be cited as the ‘Debtor-Creditor Uniform Law Modernization Act of 2015.’
“(b) To promote consistency among the states, it is the intent of the General Assembly to modernize certain existing uniform laws promulgated by the Uniform Law Commission affecting debtor and creditor rights, responsibilities, and relationships and other federally recognized laws affecting such rights, responsibilities, and relationships.”
Law reviews.
For annual survey of law of business associations, see 56 Mercer L. Rev. 77 (2004).