(1) The Department of Juvenile Justice and the Department of Education shall, in consultation with the statewide Workforce Development Youth Council, school districts, providers, and others, jointly develop a multiagency plan for career and professional education (CAPE) that establishes the curriculum, goals, and outcome measures for CAPE programs in juvenile justice education programs. The plan must be reviewed annually, revised as appropriate, and include:
(a) Provisions for maximizing appropriate state and federal funding sources, including funds under the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act and the Perkins Act.
(b) Provisions for eliminating barriers to increasing occupation-specific job training and high school equivalency examination preparation opportunities.
(c) The responsibilities of both departments and all other appropriate entities.
(d) A detailed implementation schedule.
(2) The plan must define CAPE programming that is appropriate based upon:
(a) The age and assessed educational abilities and goals of the student to be served; and
(b) The typical length of stay and custody characteristics at the juvenile justice education program to which each student is assigned.
(3) The plan must include a definition of CAPE programming that includes the following classifications of juvenile justice education programs that will offer CAPE programming by one of the following types:
(a) Type 1.—Programs that teach personal accountability skills and behaviors that are appropriate for students in all age groups and ability levels and that lead to work habits that help maintain employment and living standards.
(b) Type 2.—Programs that include Type 1 program content and an orientation to the broad scope of career choices, based upon personal abilities, aptitudes, and interests. Exploring and gaining knowledge of occupation options and the level of effort required to achieve them are essential prerequisites to skill training.
(c) Type 3.—Programs that include Type 1 program content and the competencies or the prerequisites needed for entry into a specific occupation.
(4) The plan must also address strategies to facilitate involvement of business and industry in the design, delivery, and evaluation of CAPE programming in juvenile justice education programs, including apprenticeship and work experience programs, mentoring and job shadowing, and other strategies that lead to postrelease employment. Incentives for business involvement, such as tax breaks, bonding, and liability limits should be investigated, implemented where appropriate, or recommended to the Legislature for consideration.
(5) The plan must also evaluate the effect of students’ mobility between juvenile justice education programs and school districts on the students’ educational outcomes and whether the continuity of the students’ education can be better addressed through virtual education.
(6) The Department of Juvenile Justice and the Department of Education shall each align its respective agency policies, practices, technical manuals, contracts, quality-assurance standards, performance-based-budgeting measures, and outcome measures with the plan in juvenile justice education programs by July 31, 2015. Each agency shall provide a report on the implementation of this section to the Governor, the President of the Senate, and the Speaker of the House of Representatives by August 31, 2015.
(7) All provider contracts executed by the Department of Juvenile Justice or the school districts after January 1, 2015, must be aligned with the plan.
(8) The planning and execution of quality assurance reviews conducted by the Department of Education or the Department of Juvenile Justice after August 1, 2015, must be aligned with the plan.
(9) Outcome measures reported by the Department of Juvenile Justice and the Department of Education for students released on or after January 1, 2016, should include outcome measures that conform to the plan.
History.—s. 5, ch. 2000-137; s. 31, ch. 2001-125; s. 123, ch. 2002-1; s. 81, ch. 2006-120; s. 172, ch. 2010-102; s. 29, ch. 2014-184; s. 45, ch. 2016-216.
Note.—Former s. 985.3155.
Structure Florida Statutes
Title XLVII - Criminal Procedure and Corrections
Chapter 985 - Juvenile Justice; Interstate Compact on Juveniles
Part XI - Department of Juvenile Justice (Ss. 985.601-985.692)
985.601 - Administering the juvenile justice continuum.
985.6015 - Shared County/State Juvenile Detention Trust Fund.
985.614 - Children locked out of the home; interagency cooperation.
985.618 - Educational and career-related programs.
985.622 - Multiagency plan for career and professional education (CAPE).
985.625 - Literacy programs for juvenile offenders.
985.629 - Contracts for the transfer of Florida children in federal custody.
985.632 - Quality improvement and cost-effectiveness; Comprehensive Accountability Report.
985.644 - Departmental contracting powers; personnel standards and investigation.
985.6441 - Health care services.
985.645 - Protective action response.
985.652 - Participation of certain programs in the State Risk Management Trust Fund.
985.664 - Juvenile justice circuit advisory boards.
985.672 - Direct-support organization; definition; use of property; board of directors; audit.
985.676 - Community juvenile justice partnership grants.
985.682 - Siting of facilities; criteria.
985.6865 - Juvenile detention costs.
985.688 - Administering county and municipal delinquency programs and facilities.
985.6885 - Persons authorized to visit juvenile facilities.
985.69 - Repair and maintenance funding for juvenile justice purposes.