History.—s. 18, ch. 1869, 1872; RS 1295; GS 1726; RGS 2940; CGL 4664; s. 5, ch. 74-382.
Structure Florida Statutes
Chapter 95 - Limitations of Actions; Adverse Possession
95.03 - Contracts Shortening Time.
95.04 - Promise to Pay Barred Debt.
95.051 - When Limitations Tolled.
95.091 - Limitation on Actions to Collect Taxes.
95.10 - Cause of Action Arising in Another State.
95.11 - Limitations Other Than for the Recovery of Real Property.
95.111 - Limitations After Death of a Person Served by Publication.
95.12 - Real Property Actions.
95.13 - Real Property Actions; Possession by Legal Owner Presumed.
95.14 - Real Property Actions; Limitation Upon Action Founded Upon Title.
95.16 - Real Property Actions; Adverse Possession Under Color of Title.
95.18 - Real Property Actions; Adverse Possession Without Color of Title.
95.191 - Limitations When Tax Deed Holder in Possession.
95.192 - Limitation Upon Acting Against Tax Deeds.
95.21 - Adverse Possession Against Lands Purchased at Sales Made by Executors.
95.22 - Limitation Upon Claims by Remaining Heirs, When Deed Made by One or More.
95.231 - Limitations Where Deed or Will on Record.
95.281 - Limitations; Instruments Encumbering Real Property.
95.35 - Termination of Contracts to Purchase Real Estate in Which There Is No Maturity Date.
95.36 - Dedications to Municipalities or Counties for Park Purposes.