Florida Statutes
Part I - General Provisions (Ss. 88.0011-88.1041)
88.1041 - Application of act to resident of foreign country and foreign support proceeding.

(1) A tribunal of this state shall apply parts I through VI of this chapter, and, as applicable, part VII of this chapter, to a support proceeding involving:
(a) A foreign support order;
(b) A foreign tribunal; or
(c) An obligee, obligor, or child residing in a foreign country.

(2) A tribunal of this state that is requested to recognize and enforce a support order on the basis of comity may apply the procedural and substantive provisions of parts I through VI of this chapter.
(3) Part VII of this chapter applies only to a support proceeding under the convention. In such a proceeding, if a provision of part VII of this chapter is inconsistent with parts I through VI of this chapter, part VII of this chapter controls.
History.—s. 4, ch. 2011-92.