Florida Statutes
Part I - General Provisions (Ss. 768.041-768.39)
768.136 - Liability for canned or perishable food distributed free of charge.

(1) As used in this section:
(a) “Donor” means a person, business, organization, or institution, including a public school, which owns, rents, leases, or operates:
1. Any building, vehicle, place, or structure, or any room or division in a building, vehicle, place, or structure, that is maintained and operated as a place where food is regularly prepared, served, or sold for immediate consumption on or in the vicinity of the premises; or to be called for or taken out by customers; or to be delivered to factories, construction camps, airlines, locations where catered events are being held, and other similar locations for consumption at any place;
2. Any public location with vending machines dispensing prepared meals; or
3. Any retail grocery store.

(b) “Gleaner” means a person who harvests for free distribution an agricultural crop that has been donated by the owner.
(c) “Canned food” means any food which has been commercially processed and prepared for human consumption and which has been commercially packaged in such a manner as to remain nonperishable without refrigeration for a reasonable length of time.
(d) “Perishable food” means any food that may spoil or otherwise become unfit for human consumption because of its nature, type, or physical condition. “Perishable food” includes, but is not limited to, fresh or processed meats, poultry, seafood, dairy products, bakery products, eggs in the shell, fresh fruits or vegetables, and foods that have been noncommercially packaged, that have been frozen or otherwise require refrigeration to remain nonperishable for a reasonable length of time, or that have been prepared at a public food service establishment licensed under chapter 509.

(2) A good faith donor or gleaner of any canned or perishable food, apparently fit for human consumption, to a bona fide charitable or nonprofit organization for free distribution shall not be subject to criminal penalty or civil damages arising from the condition of the food, unless an injury is caused by the gross negligence, recklessness, or intentional misconduct of the donor or gleaner.
(3) A bona fide charitable or nonprofit organization, or any representative or volunteer acting on behalf of such organization or an uncompensated person acting in a philanthropic manner providing services similar to those of such an organization, which accepts, collects, transports, or distributes any canned or perishable food, apparently fit for human consumption, from a good faith donor or gleaner for free distribution shall not be subject to criminal penalty or civil damages arising from the condition of the food, unless an injury is caused by the gross negligence, recklessness, or intentional misconduct of an agent of the charitable or nonprofit organization.
(4) The provisions of this section apply to the good faith donation of canned or perishable food regardless of whether such food is readily marketable due to appearance, freshness, grade, surplus, or other such considerations.
(5) The provisions of this section shall not be construed to restrict the authority of any lawful agency to otherwise regulate or ban the use of food for human consumption, and the immunity from liability granted herein shall not be construed to relieve any donor of its duty to comply with any law regulating such donor with respect to health or sanitation.
History.—s. 1, ch. 81-130; s. 1, ch. 85-132; s. 1, ch. 89-35; s. 2, ch. 2008-25; s. 1, ch. 2014-26.

Structure Florida Statutes

Florida Statutes

Title XLV - Torts

Chapter 768 - Negligence

Part I - General Provisions (Ss. 768.041-768.39)

768.041 - Release or covenant not to sue.

768.0415 - Liability for injury to parent.

768.042 - Damages.

768.0425 - Damages in actions against contractors for injuries sustained from negligence, malfeasance, or misfeasance.

768.043 - Remittitur and additur actions arising out of operation of motor vehicles.

768.07 - Railroad liability for injury to employees.

768.0705 - Limitation on premises liability.

768.075 - Immunity from liability for injury to trespassers on real property.

768.0755 - Premises liability for transitory foreign substances in a business establishment.

768.08 - Liability of corporations having relief department for injury to employees; contracts in violation of act void.

768.0895 - Limitation of liability for employers of persons with disabilities.

768.091 - Employer liability limits; ridesharing.

768.092 - Special mobile equipment; liability of lessors.

768.093 - Owner liability limits; powered shopping carts.

768.095 - Employer immunity from liability; disclosure of information regarding former or current employees.

768.096 - Employer presumption against negligent hiring.

768.098 - Limitation of liability for employee leasing.

768.0981 - Limitation on actions against insurers, prepaid limited health service organizations, health maintenance organizations, or prepaid health clinics.

768.10 - Pits and holes not to be left open.

768.11 - Pits and holes; measure of damages.

768.12 - Motor vehicle colliding with any animal at large on a public highway.

768.125 - Liability for injury or damage resulting from intoxication.

768.1256 - Government rules defense.

768.1257 - State-of-the-art defense for products liability.

768.128 - Hazardous spills; definitions; persons who assist in containing or treating spills; immunity from liability; exceptions.

768.13 - Good Samaritan Act; immunity from civil liability.

768.1315 - Good Samaritan Volunteer Firefighters’ Assistance Act; immunity from civil liability.

768.1325 - Cardiac Arrest Survival Act; immunity from civil liability.

768.1326 - Placement of automated external defibrillators in state buildings; rulemaking authority.

768.1335 - Emergency Medical Dispatch Act; presumption.

768.1345 - Professional malpractice; immunity.

768.135 - Volunteer team physicians; immunity.

768.1355 - Florida Volunteer Protection Act.

768.136 - Liability for canned or perishable food distributed free of charge.

768.137 - Definition; limitation of civil liability for certain farmers; exception.

768.138 - Interruption of electric utility service by order of law enforcement; immunity.

768.1382 - Streetlights, security lights, and other similar illumination; limitation on liability.

768.139 - Rescue of vulnerable person or domestic animal from a motor vehicle; immunity from civil liability.

768.14 - Suit by state; waiver of sovereign immunity.

768.16 - Wrongful Death Act.

768.17 - Legislative intent.

768.18 - Definitions.

768.19 - Right of action.

768.20 - Parties.

768.21 - Damages.

768.22 - Form of verdict.

768.23 - Protection of minors and incompetents.

768.24 - Death of a survivor before judgment.

768.25 - Court approval of settlements.

768.26 - Litigation expenses.

768.28 - Waiver of sovereign immunity in tort actions; recovery limits; civil liability for damages caused during a riot; limitation on attorney fees; statute of limitations; exclusions; indemnification; risk management programs.

768.295 - Strategic Lawsuits Against Public Participation (SLAPP) prohibited.

768.31 - Contribution among tortfeasors.

768.35 - Continuing domestic violence.

768.36 - Alcohol or drug defense.

768.37 - Limitation on civil liability arising from long-term consumption of food and nonalcoholic beverages.

768.38 - Liability protections for COVID-19-related claims.

768.381 - COVID-19-related claims against health care providers.

768.382 - Limitation of liability for certain voluntary engineering or architectural services.

768.39 - Immunity for educational institutions for actions related to the COVID-19 pandemic.