Florida Statutes
Chapter 662 - Family Trust Companies
662.141 - Examination, Investigations, and Fees.

(1) The office may rely upon a certificate of trust, trust summary, or written statement from the trust company which identifies the qualified beneficiaries of any trust or estate for which a family trust company, licensed family trust company, or foreign licensed family trust company serves as a fiduciary and the qualifications of such beneficiaries as permissible recipients of company services.
(2) The office shall conduct an examination of a licensed family trust company at least once every 36 months. The office shall examine the books and records of a licensed family trust company as necessary to determine whether it is a licensed family trust company as defined in this chapter and is operating in compliance with this chapter.
(3) The office shall examine the books and records of a foreign licensed family trust company as necessary to determine if it is a foreign licensed trust company as defined in this chapter and is in compliance with ss. 662.1225, 662.125, 662.130(2), 662.131, and 662.134. In connection with an examination of the books and records of the company, the office may rely upon the most recent examination report or review or certification letters or similar documentation issued by the regulatory agency to which the foreign licensed family trust company is subject to supervision. The office’s examination of the books and records of a foreign licensed family trust company is, to the extent practicable, limited to books and records of the operations in this state.
(4) For each examination of the books and records of a family trust company, licensed family trust company, or foreign licensed family trust company as authorized under this chapter, the trust company shall pay a fee for the costs of the examination by the office. As used in this section, the term “costs” means the salary and travel expenses of field staff which are directly attributable to the examination of the trust company and the travel expenses of any supervisory and support staff required as a result of examination findings. The mailing of payment for costs incurred must be postmarked within 30 days after the receipt of a notice stating that the costs are due. The office may levy a late payment of up to $100 per day or part thereof that a payment is overdue unless waived for good cause. However, if the late payment of costs is intentional, the office may levy an administrative fine of up to $1,000 per day for each day the payment is overdue.
(5) All fees collected under this section must be deposited into the Financial Institutions’ Regulatory Trust Fund pursuant to s. 655.049 for the purpose of administering this chapter.
(6) The commission may establish by rule the records to be maintained or requirements necessary to demonstrate conformity with this chapter as a family trust company, licensed family trust company, or foreign licensed family trust company.
History.—s. 28, ch. 2014-97; s. 85, ch. 2015-2; s. 11, ch. 2016-35.

Structure Florida Statutes

Florida Statutes

Title XXXVIII - Banks and Banking

Chapter 662 - Family Trust Companies

662.10 - Short Title.

662.102 - Purposes; Findings.

662.111 - Definitions.

662.112 - Degrees of Kinship.

662.113 - Applicability of Other Chapters of the Financial Institutions Codes.

662.114 - Family Trust Company and Foreign Licensed Family Trust Company Licensing Not Required.

662.115 - Applicability of Chapter to a Family Trust Company or Foreign Licensed Family Trust Company.

662.120 - Maximum Number of Designated Relatives.

662.121 - Application for Licensed Family Trust Company; Fees.

662.1215 - Investigation of License Applicants.

662.122 - Registration of a Family Trust Company or a Foreign Licensed Family Trust Company.

662.1225 - Requirements for a Family Trust Company, Licensed Family Trust Company, or Foreign Licensed Family Trust Company.

662.123 - Organizational Documents; Use of Term “Family Trust” in Name.

662.124 - Minimum Capital Account Required.

662.125 - Directors or Managers.

662.126 - Fidelity Bonds; Insurance.

662.127 - Segregation of Books, Records, and Assets; Fiduciary Assets Not Liable.

662.128 - Annual Renewal.

662.129 - Discontinuing Business.

662.130 - Powers of Family Trust Companies, Licensed Family Trust Companies, and Foreign Licensed Family Trust Companies.

662.131 - Prohibitions.

662.132 - Investments.

662.133 - Oaths, Affidavits, and Acknowledgments.

662.134 - Unlawful to Advertise Services.

662.135 - Service as Court-Appointed Fiduciary; Bond Requirement.

662.140 - Rules.

662.141 - Examination, Investigations, and Fees.

662.142 - Revocation of License.

662.143 - Cease and Desist Authority.

662.144 - Failure to Submit Required Report; Fines.

662.145 - Grounds for Removal.

662.146 - Confidentiality of Books and Records.

662.1465 - Family Trust Company Proceedings; Public Records Exemption.

662.147 - Records Relating to the Office Examination; Limited Restrictions on Public Access.

662.148 - Public Records Exemption.

662.150 - Domestication of a Foreign Family Trust Company.

662.151 - Registration of a Foreign Licensed Family Trust Company to Operate in This State.