Florida Statutes
Chapter 655 - Financial Institutions Generally
655.03855 - Provisional Directors and Executive Officers.

(1) If a state financial institution has an insufficient number of directors to meet the minimum requirements of s. 657.021 or s. 658.33 for 30 days or longer, there are an insufficient number of executive officers, or the qualifications of the executive officers are insufficient to operate the financial institution in a safe and sound manner, the office may appoint one or more provisional directors or executive officers by order.
(2) A provisional director has all the rights and powers of a duly elected director, including the right to notice of and to vote at meetings of directors. A provisional executive officer has all the rights and powers provided in the financial institution’s articles of incorporation or bylaws, or as specified by the office in the appointment order. A provisional director or executive officer must be an impartial person and may not be a shareholder, member, or creditor of the financial institution or its affiliate. Additional qualifications, if any, may be determined by the office consistent with the financial institutions codes. Provisional directors and executive officers shall serve until the provisional director’s or executive officer’s tenure is ended by order of the office.
(3) A provisional director or executive officer is not liable for any action taken or decision made, except as provided in the financial institutions codes and s. 607.0831. If directed by the office, provisional directors and executive officers must submit reports to the office as to the financial and operating condition of the financial institution and recommendations as to appropriate corrective actions to be taken by the institution.
(4) The office shall allow reasonable compensation, if applicable, to a provisional director or executive officer appointed under this section for services rendered, and reimbursement or direct payment of all reasonable costs and expenses, which shall be paid by the financial institution. The office is not liable for any appointment, action, or decision made pursuant to this section.
History.—s. 3, ch. 2011-194.

Structure Florida Statutes

Florida Statutes

Title XXXVIII - Banks and Banking

Chapter 655 - Financial Institutions Generally

655.001 - Purpose; Application.

655.005 - Definitions.

655.012 - General Supervisory Powers; Rulemaking; Seal.

655.013 - Effect on Existing Financial Institutions.

655.015 - Construction; Standards to Be Observed by Commission and Office.

655.016 - Liability When Acting Upon Rule, Order, or Declaratory Statement.

655.017 - Local Regulation Preempted.

655.0201 - Service of Process, Notice, Levy, or Demand on Financial Institutions.

655.031 - Administrative Enforcement Guidelines.

655.032 - Investigations, Subpoenas, Hearings, and Witnesses.

655.0321 - Restricted Access to Certain Hearings, Proceedings, and Related Documents.

655.0322 - Prohibited Acts and Practices; Criminal Penalties.

655.033 - Cease and Desist Orders.

655.034 - Injunctions.

655.035 - Military Lending.

655.037 - Removal of a Financial Institution-Affiliated Party by the Office.

655.0385 - Disapproval of Directors and Executive Officers.

655.03855 - Provisional Directors and Executive Officers.

655.0386 - Transactions With Financial Institution-Affiliated Parties.

655.0391 - Retention of Supervision by Office.

655.0392 - Place of Transacting Business.

655.041 - Administrative Fines; Enforcement.

655.043 - Articles of Incorporation; Amendments; Approval.

655.044 - Accounting Practices; Bad Debts Ineligible to Be Carried as Assets.

655.045 - Examinations, Reports, and Internal Audits; Penalty.

655.047 - Assessments; Financial Institutions.

655.049 - Deposit of Fees and Assessments.

655.057 - Records; Limited Restrictions Upon Public Access.

655.059 - Access to Books and Records; Confidentiality; Penalty for Disclosure.

655.0591 - Trade Secret Documents.

655.061 - Competitive Equality With Federally Organized or Chartered Financial Institutions.

655.071 - International Banking Facilities; Definitions; Notice Before Establishment.

655.41 - Definitions.

655.411 - Conversion of Charter.

655.412 - Merger and Consolidation.

655.414 - Acquisition of Assets; Assumption of Liabilities.

655.416 - Book Value of Assets.

655.417 - Effect of Merger, Consolidation, Conversion, or Acquisition.

655.418 - Nonconforming Activities; Cessation.

655.4185 - Emergency Action.

655.419 - Effect.

655.50 - Florida Control of Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing in Financial Institutions Act.

655.51 - Employment Information.

655.55 - Law Applicable to Deposits in and Contracts Relating to Extensions of Credit by a Deposit or Lending Institution Located in This State.

655.56 - Collection of Fines, Interest, or Premiums on Loans Made by Financial Institutions.

655.60 - Appraisals.

655.762 - Sale of Assets.

655.769 - Definitions of Terms Used in Ss. 655.77-655.91.

655.77 - Deposits by Minors.

655.78 - Deposit Accounts in Two or More Names.

655.79 - Deposits and Accounts in Two or More Names; Presumption as to Vesting on Death.

655.80 - Convenience Accounts.

655.82 - Pay-on-Death Accounts.

655.825 - Deposits in Trust; Applicability of S. 655.82 in Place of Former S. 655.81.

655.83 - Adverse Claim to a Deposit or Fiduciary Account.

655.84 - Limitations; Statements as Correct.

655.85 - Settlement of Checks.

655.851 - Unclaimed Credit Balances.

655.86 - Issuance of Postdated Checks.

655.89 - Legal Holidays; Business Days; Business and Transactions.

655.90 - Closing During Emergencies and Other Special Days.

655.91 - Records of Institutions and Copies Thereof; Retention and Destruction.

655.921 - Transaction of Business by Out-of-State Financial Institutions; Exempt Transactions.

655.922 - Banking Business by Unauthorized Persons; Use of Name.

655.93 - Definitions for Ss. 655.93-655.94.

655.931 - Authority to Engage in Safe-Deposit Business.

655.932 - Lease to Minor.

655.933 - Access by Fiduciaries.

655.934 - Effect of Lessee’s Death or Incapacity.

655.935 - Search Procedure on Death of Lessee.

655.936 - Delivery of Safe-Deposit Box Contents or Property Held in Safekeeping to Personal Representative.

655.937 - Access to Safe-Deposit Boxes Leased in Two or More Names.

655.938 - Adverse Claims to Contents of Safe-Deposit Box.

655.939 - Limiting Right of Access for Failure to Comply With Security Procedures.

655.94 - Special Remedies for Nonpayment of Rent.

655.942 - Standards of Conduct; Institutions.

655.943 - Applications; Verification.

655.946 - Single Interest Insurance Placed by Financial Institutions.

655.947 - Debt Cancellation Products.

655.948 - Significant Events; Notice Required.

655.949 - Personnel; Qualifications.

655.954 - Financial Institution Loans; Credit Cards.

655.955 - Liability of Financial Institution to Third Parties.

655.960 - Definitions; Ss. 655.960-655.965.

655.961 - Violation of Specified Provisions Not Negligence per Se.

655.962 - Lighting; Mirrors; Landscaping.

655.963 - Access Devices.

655.964 - Application.

655.965 - Preemption; Prohibition.

655.966 - Automated Teller Machine; Surcharge Disclosure.

655.967 - State-Funded Endowments.

655.968 - Financial Institutions; Transactions Relating to Iran or Terrorism.