Florida Statutes
Part II - Department of Financial Services (Ss. 624.302-624.36)
624.36 - Coverage of and access to behavioral health care services; complaints; reporting.

(1) By January 31, 2022, the department shall submit a report to the Governor, the President of the Senate, and the Speaker of the House of Representatives relating to the disposition of complaints received from insureds and subscribers of insurers or health maintenance organizations regulated by the office relating to the access to and affordability of behavioral health care services and benefits during the prior calendar year. At a minimum, the report must include all of the following information:
(a) The total number of complaints received.
(b) The nature of the complaints, including, but not limited to, concerns related to access to in-network providers or facilities; access to inpatient or outpatient services; availability of specialists; affordability of services; equivalency of behavioral health care benefits with respect to medical and surgical benefits; quality of care; and denial of services, including the types of services denied and the stated reason for the denials.
(c) The disposition of the complaints.
(d) Any recommendations made by the department to the Legislature for ensuring the access to and affordability of behavioral health care services to insureds and subscribers.

(2) The department shall make available on its website a description of behavioral health care benefits required to be made available pursuant to s. 627.668 and federal law for individual and group policies and contracts.
History.—s. 1, ch. 2021-146.

Structure Florida Statutes

Florida Statutes

Title XXXVII - Insurance

Chapter 624 - Insurance Code: Administration and General Provisions

Part II - Department of Financial Services (Ss. 624.302-624.36)

624.302 - Offices.

624.303 - Seal; certified copies as evidence.

624.307 - General powers; duties.

624.308 - Rules.

624.310 - Enforcement; cease and desist orders; removal of certain persons; fines.

624.3102 - Immunity from civil liability for providing department, commission, or office with information about condition of insurer.

624.311 - Records; reproductions; destruction.

624.312 - Reproductions and certified copies of records as evidence.

624.313 - Publications.

624.314 - Publications; Insurance Regulatory Trust Fund.

624.315 - Annual report.

624.316 - Examination of insurers.

624.3161 - Market conduct examinations.

624.317 - Investigation of agents, adjusters, administrators, service companies, and others.

624.318 - Conduct of examination or investigation; access to records; correction of accounts; appraisals.

624.319 - Examination and investigation reports.

624.320 - Examination expenses.

624.321 - Witnesses and evidence.

624.322 - Testimony compelled; immunity from prosecution.

624.324 - Hearings.

624.33 - Jurisdiction regarding health or life coverage.

624.34 - Authority of Department of Law Enforcement to accept fingerprints of, and exchange criminal history records with respect to, certain persons.

624.36 - Coverage of and access to behavioral health care services; complaints; reporting.